You'll never catch me I'm The Bubblegum Man"
Abuse of a child in any manner can have a profound effect on his or her psyche. They can become quite destructive individuals as children and as adults as well. They can be harmful to others. They can be harmful to themselves. In a number of cases, they can become habitual abusers in the same manner that they themselves were abused.
I have recently locked horns with an individual, a man called variously Archaeus and Shadowshaman, who claims that an adult male relative abused him as a child. I tend to believe his story, precisely because he never went into detail as to the exact nature of the abuse, only that it was sexual in nature. He did, however, describe it as "sodomy" and as "rape", without going into any more explicit detail.
He was also physically abused and threatened, allegedly, by his step-father, on what according to him was a regular basis, seemingly from at least the time of his first molestation (apparently by a different male relative, although this is unclear), until the second occurrence some years later, by another and unrelated older male.
At this time, he recounts, an older male of his neighborhood approached him with an offer of friendship. One day, the person in question produced a piece of bubble gum and asked him if he would like to see him put it in his mouth and make it come out a different place. When the then child Archaeus warily said yes, the older individual put the gum in his mouth, unzipped his pants, produced his dick, and started masturbating. Archaeus ran away in horror. He has never stopped running, it seems.
The question is, is he running away from, or to, the molester? Lately, he has run into the arms of molester AJ Drew, who-obviously playing up to the potential for latent homosexuality that exists within a good many victims of molestation by same sex perpetrators-flirts with him outrageously. He does this by calling him “handsome” and a “sexy brute”, which I here paraphrase, not having the exact quotes in front of me, and not particularly eager to go back and read this drivel. These phrases are, however, the gist of the post given in honor of Archaeus by AJ Drew on the The Yeti’s Cyber Smithy blog.
He is doing this of course as a means of encouraging friendship and support from Archaeus, who indeed may well be still looking for love and compassion, understanding and acceptance, from an older father or big brother type figure, such as the type that molested him in his youth.
He encourages him in his assaults against Gavin and Yvonne Frost, and against me, whom he describes on his site, in a hoverbox that accompanies his link to my blog, as one who “attacks anyone who disagrees with Gavin and Yvonne Frosts belief in the molestation of children.”
The Bubblegum Fairy attacks, in my case, because he takes exception to my question as to how he thinks he has the right to criticize the Frosts morality, seeing as how he has none himself, nor any integrity.
This man, being of weak mind, and obviously looking for an opportunity to prove his “manhood”, fell in love with his friend’s wife, after engaging in an affair with her. When she called off the affair (probably after using him for what she could get from him, probably with her husbands permission and culpability), he evidently proclaimed his love for her. New York pagans roundly denounced him for this openly, while probably laughing at him privately. What does he do? He makes excuses. He criticizes them for criticizing him and his weakness. Oh, the married couple in question were in an “open relationship” he says, and blah, blah, blah. He just cannot get over this rejection, it seems, and is incensed that any would dare criticize him.
Regardless, I am sure they laugh at him, just as he feels people laughed at him as a child, or would have if the matter of his molestation by an adult male, especially back in those days, became public knowledge. The Bubblegum Fairy is, then, a matter of laughter and derision. As a child, he kept silent, as his rage and humiliation festered and grew.
Now, the Bubblegum Fairy is looking for satisfaction. The Bubblegum Fairy is looking for revenge. The Bubblegum Fairy is looking for love and acceptance.
Enter the Frosts and AJ Drew.
Nobody wants you anymore, Bubblegum Fairy. You are not a cute little boy anymore.

Moreover, regardless of what AJ tells you, you damn sure are not a handsome, sexy brute. You are just another Bubblegum Fairy.
Grow up and get over it. We all had it rough at one time or another. I had my problem with bullies growing up. All kids have it hard one way or another. There is nothing special about you. A lot of kids were abused, some sexually, some physically, some mentally, some emotionally, some in various combinations thereof.
Nerds had it rough. Geeks had it rough. Fat kids had it rough. Skinny kids had it rough. Poor kids had it rough. Rich kids had it rough. Good looking kids had it rough. Ugly kids had it rough. Even the jocks had it rough.
You're alive, Bubblegum Fairy, so be thankful.
Oh, and one thing more. Please-
Stop writing bad, pretentious poetry.
Im still waiting for him to reply to my response video on Youtube.. And i read your comment on Fenixs Blog.. And you know i COULD just drop this and move on just sweep it under the rug and just act as if nothing ever happened BUT Aj Drew has shown that hes just dumb enough to do some stupid shit . In my mind you dont let an unchecked asshole like this go unchallenged.. Yes karma isa bitch.. but what happens when everybody just lets Aj do what hes gonna do and he actually begins to fuck with peoples lives..Maybe there ritual didnt do much magickal harm to Gavin and Yvonne.. well whats to say Real actions of whatever nature couldnt actually be detrimental.All it takes is Drew messing with them were they live Ala Hunton West Virginia he could be a damager to our community and im not gonna let him Or Archaeus do this shit to our community.. But thats just my take on it
All I'm saying is I don't want this to consume too much of my time, it is or can be detrimental to your psychic health. I am only speaking for myself when I say this, I can't speak for anybody else.
I certainly don't suggest you let any attack go unchallenged, I wouldn't do that myself. But this is just round and round, with no end in sight. Sometimes it helps to step back, take a deep breath, and try to move on.
If you will notice, AJ's last two posts deal with this subject. It's been two days now, and he has not gotten one single comment on either of his last two posts, from anybody. That has to hurt. After all this time he has devoted to his so-called Real Witches Ball, even the Drewbies are tongue-tied.
I think it was a shameful thing he did, and I think deep down most of them know it.
Archaeus did respond to your YouTube, by the way, he even has it posted on his blog, or at least the image of it. Unless you are referring to something else.
Archaeus is a sick man who needs help, in my opinion. AJ is just a carny hack. That's all he is and probably all he will ever be. I don't want to devote too much time and energy to these kinds of people, because too much of it will literally make you sick.
HMM I wouldnt know about Archaeus an his Blog.. he has me blocked.. seems he wont reply directly.. could you cut and paste some of his response and comment on my blog so i can see what hes saying.. And i see what your saying about being caught up.i May not be all up in it posting only about Drew.. But when it warrants it.. Well ill just roll with it i guess
Hmm i just looked for a direct response to my video on Youtube from him and its not on his channel.. Wonder why hes such a puss and has me blocked
Thanks for clueing me in on what Archaeus was doing.. No i dont think its that.. i think he knows im speaking the truth and he can handle that.. I really wish you could hear that video..i even mentioned you in it.. Not in a bad way.. Any way thanks ..
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