Wednesday, June 06, 2007

So, Me And AnneCoulter Are Racists

I guess I must be. After all, I agree with this article one hundred percent. According to this, if I leave this country I'll be required to pay taxes to it for the next ten years. I guess that's assuming I don't renounce my citizenship, which if I left is exactly what I would do.

Russia is starting to look awful tempting.

No free speech in Russia, you say? Oh yeah, that's that thing that if I express it here I'm a racist, yeah, I remember. How could I ever give that up?

No freedom of the press in Russia? Ye Gods, how could I ever live without my non-stop Britney Spears coverage?

No freedom of religion? Yeah, that's tough. I think before I go I'm going to head out to the nearest public park in my black ritual robe, with my sword, censor, brazier, and bowl of salt, invoke in a loud voice the powers of earth, air, fire, and water, and bid one final adieu to all the gods and goddesses of the Hellenic pantheon, major and minor. Maybe I'll end with Crowley's Hymn To Pan, the Horned Goat God.

Wait a minute, I just thought of something. Word is that Putin's Russia is brutal towards it's Muslim population, especially towards the ones such as the Chechnyan rebels that assault private citizens, and even school children. They actually kill them outright when they try to do stuff like that-

The horror! I'm shocked! Shocked, I say!

And what's all this about Putin aiming nukes toward Europe? What syllable of the word "civilized" causes that guy so much confusion? How dare he object to NATO drawing closer and closer to his nation's borders? Why, he must be paranoid to worry so much about a little boondoggle like that.

Of course, Russia is notoriously corrupt. Their bureaucrats are always dipping their paws in the public coffers, and word has it that many of them are associated with-get this, now-MAFIA FIGURES! A great many of their legislators are actually not only swindlers, but demagogues, panderers, and, as if all that weren't bad enough, they are career politicians.

I bet a thorough investigation would even reveal a good many if not most of them -GASP-TAKE BRIBES FROM SPECIAL INTERESTS!!!!

Maybe I'd better think this thing through a little more clearly. Maybe I should just stay and hope for the best. After all, who would want to live in an awful fucking place like Russia?


  1. Today, you can settle in Russia and indeed, you will find it quite similar to the United States.

    High oil prices have turned Chavez into a monster, but in Russia they actually benefitted the people. Everything is 3 times better than under Yeltsin, and 10 times better than under Brezhnev.

    Bush likes Putin. They are rivals, but not enemies.

    As for racism, you have nothing to worry about. The only black people who are truly hated in Russia are AMERICAN blacks. If you're white, you can always claim that your great-grandfather was born in Omsk, and you will be OK.

  2. Sonia, Bush might like Putin, but I don't think Putin thinks too highly of him, especially after Bush idiotically compared Iraq favorably to Russia. That should tell you how out of touch with reality Bush is.

    He actually advised Putin that he should strive to make Russia more like Iraq, and Putin actually made fun of the statement in a public address-I think at last years G8 meeting.

    Do you see now why I get so agitated over some of the ignoramuses that run my country, on both sides of the aisle?
