Wednesday, June 06, 2007

Things To Look Out For

Sacred Fems has a new blogger by the name of Arnulfa, who is a person I have known for a few years now. I am privileged to have seen a preview of her yet to be published article about female celebrities. The theme explores how many such female stars may have attracted such huge followings, based as much, and in some cases maybe more, on their personalities as their talents. Arnulfa theorizes that they may be answering to a long neglected and subconscious need for cultural manifestations of the Sacred Feminine.

Of course, in ancient cultures, not all aspects of the divine feminine were positive, and in fact, they could be very negative, even destructive. One look at the lives of Britney Spears, Paris Hilton, or Lindsey Lohan and you have to wonder-is THAT why we, as a society and culture, are so obsessed with them?

That is probably what Princes William and Harry are wondering these days. They have insisted an up-and-coming documentary about their mother’s death is disrespectful to her memory. They want her to rest in peace, and have pleaded for the show to not air photos of her taken after the accident, but they will doubtless be ignored. The documentary contains footage of the Princess in the immediate aftermath of her fatal accident, even displaying her during some of the last minutes of her life,before she finally succumbed to her injuries.

Diana is to all intents and purposes yet revered as was any goddess of old, and there is little doubt the show will draw in massive amounts of viewers, as it will here if it is ever shown in the States.

Look for William Jefferson to be abandoned by all his congressional colleagues on both sides of the aisle. Even the Black Congressional Caucus could not be stupid enough to stand by him now. Could they? Well, they have up until now, which is the major reason House Speaker Nancy Pelosi allowed him to keep his committee seat. Of course, that was before his indictment on something like sixteen counts of wire fraud, obstruction of justice, money laundering, bribery, etc. If convicted on all these counts, he could face a total of two and a half centuries in prison. I have an idea though that if he wanted, he could take a lot of people down with him, which is why you are not going to hear much out of Congressional Democrats-especially the black caucus-other than a deafening silence.

Look for Hollywood film star, former Watergate Committee lawyer and two term Tennessee Senator Republican Fred Thompson to announce for President in a bid for the GOP nomination, probably after July 4th. It’s almost a sure bet, he even has this web-site and an exploratory committee. All the signs are there. If he does enter, which he almost certainly will, it will change the entire dynamic of the primary contest, and maybe the general election as well.

Thompson has been urged to run for months by the conservative wing of the party, is well-liked and respected throughout the party and general public, and may accomplish what no other major candidate can hope to accomplish. Which is to say, he is the most likely to be able to win BOTH the GOP nomination AND the general election.

His announcement would be the death knell for John McCain’s candidacy, and his only serious opponent actually would be Giuliani. If Romney remained in the race, he would probably poll a distant third to Giulliani and Thompson, though he might yet pull enough votes to enable Giuliani to maintain a slight edge.

Everybody else would have about as much a chance of coming out on top as Dennis Kucinich in the Democratic primaries.

Also, look out for the series finale of the Sopranos. It promises to be a bloodbath, and I’m betting Tony doesn’t survive, though I think his end won’t come about the way most people think. I’m going to guess he barely survives an encounter with Phil, who he will kill in the midst of a particularly bloody and violent encounter. Tony will later learn that his sole surviving partner has agreed to an immunity deal in return for providing evidence of the mobs’ activities.

Then he may well learn that his son, recently released from a psychiatric hospital, has run off rather than be forced to live a life in hiding with his father, whom he has come to resent and despise. He could possibly even make a second and this successful suicide attempt. His wife might leave him as well, for good. Tony of course understands all too well that if he is convicted of organized crime activities, he not only stands to lose everything-his family does as well.

I have this sneaking idea that the last scene of the show will have Tony Soprano with a gun in his mouth. The last sound you hear will be the sound of the thing going off. Of course, this is HBO (which I don’t get, by the way)-so you never can tell. The last sight you see might actually be Tony Soprano’s brains splattering the office walls of his therapist, to whom he will return for one last final goodbye, or maybe in the privacy of his now abandoned home.

This of course would serve to make the point that-for the Sopranos-this is definitely THE END.

Or, Tony could be talked by his therapist into turning states evidence, after which he enters the witness protection program with a new identity, under the name Tony Finnerty. After all, dreams do sometimes come true.

Finally, I am going to publish more chapters of RADU. However, I am going to do so just one chapter at a time. Here, I must offer my sincere apologies for unintentionally misleading you. I said the last part I published was about 50 pages. I thought that didn’t seem right. Well, that’s what I get for not wearing my glasses when I checked my word count. It was actually 153 pages, made up of a Prologue and Chapters 1-10.

Chapter 11 will be the next installment, and it is-I promise-a mere 25 pages long. I may post the entire thing here, but if I do, it will be likewise in one chapter installments from here on out. Chapter 11, which is the opening chapter of Part Two, will be posted here in a day or two, or early next week at the latest.

Afterwards, look for an up-and-coming milestone of sorts, in the form of –


That’s right, we are rapidly coming up on post number six hundred sixty six. Somehow, I would feel remiss if I did not have something appropriate to mark the occasion. I do not know yet exactly what it is going to be, but hopefully, I’ll think of something.


  1. As for the Sopranos, here's a funny take on what'll happen during the finale. Hope you enjoy:

    Sopranos Oddsmaker

  2. If I were a Republican, I wouldn't underestimate McCain. I think his myth is still alive. Giuliani will drop fast, once the Dems focus on him. Rudy will fall when they start linking him with Bush.

    Linday Lohan is an actual talent. sad to see her self destruct,

  3. Ren-If you read the Republican blogs like I do, you would feel a lot different about McCain's chances. The Republican base despises him, for the most part. If Thompson enters the race, the only thing that would keep him from getting the nomination would be because just enough people voted for McCain, Romnay etc. to pull just enough votes from Thompson to give the nomination to Giuliani, whom the Republicans also dislike, though not as much as McCain.

    Thompson and Giuliani either one would be the only Republicans who could win a general election. The rest are either dislike, mistrusted, or don't have enough "star power" (which is the only thing that would save Giuliani, who is also disliked and mistruted by the Republican base, yet he is popular with a great lot of the public-at-large).

    Lindsay Lohan would have a better chance of getting the Republican nomination than John McCain. McCain has already self-destructed as far as the GOP base is concerned.

  4. My 666th post was this. And it fits, because I have been told that I would go straight to Hell for doing it....

  5. Sonia, is that girl on the left of the picture you?
