Thursday, June 07, 2007

And Mercury Shal Show Us The Way

I'm on the fence about this deal. I know it's coming one way or another, so maybe this is the most reasonable policy I could have hoped for. On the other hand, I automatically find any multi-national agreement repugnant by it's very nature, regardless of how positive it might seem to be on the surface.

It calls for a stop in the increase of emissions, after which it specifies a further reduction by 2050.

I still think it's a load of shit, for a variety of reasons. For one thing, where is China, India, and Brazil? They're taking up the fucking slack, of course, so emissions will probably continue to rise on a global level.

On a positive note, it could encourage the advances of new technologies, which could in the long run be more beneficial than detrimental to the US economy.

Still, you have to wonder about the sincerity of environmental activists when they promote replacement of standard light bulbs with phosphorescent lights that utilize-wait for it-mercury gases.

Yeah, mercury, one of the most poisonous elements in the known universe. Soon perhaps to be anchored in place over a dinner table near you.

I have this sneaking idea somebody somewhere stands to make a killing off mercury futures.


  1. Is that Jimmy Carter shaking Merkel's hand at the G8?

  2. No, I think that's Bush. Carter's probably the one back there behind him, kind of hunched down and lurching forward.
