Fortunately, some bakeries and restaurants in Kaley-Forney-Ya have already made the transition to non-trans fats substitutes, such as palm oil, soy, etc., and claim the product is just as tasty. The others though have until 2010 to comply, and can be fined up to a thousand dollars for every second time and beyond they are not in compliance. The first time the fine is a measly twenty five dollars, which will probably be about the price of one of these cupcakes by about, oh, 2010.
The people that voted for Ahnuld thought they were getting the TERRRMINNAATTOOORRR RAAAUUUGGGHHH who was going to destroy the evil tax and spend nanny state mentality of the California Legislature.
Instead they got a kindergarten cop. What the hell did they expect? Every night when he goes to bed a Kennedy has him by the balls.
Eleanor Mondale who was an acquaintance of mine, at one time, dated Arnold as well.
Damn, that Eleanor gets around doesn't she? Didn't she fuck Clinton too? Hey, do me a favor Ren, tell her I'd like to hit that once.
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