Question-was the person in the photo below the long-awaited Jewish Messiah? Could be. Of course, I would understand the reluctance many might have at accepting such an audacious claim. After all, he doesn't exactly have "hair as wool", to paraphrase the words of one of the Old Testament prophets who described the predicted Messiah.

Well, then again-

Come on, Jews, get to work rebuilding the Temple. Sure, the Islamic world would get pissed off, and so would a lot of the rest of the world, but hey, like the Messiah himself might say-

Fuck 'em if they can't take a joke.
Are you still around?
I am now.
You just vanished. What happened, computer problems?
No, I just had other things I had to do. I am having some problems, but hopefully nothing that can't be fixed. I think it's a power issue, but I'm not sure. I might need more RAM.
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