This guy named Kato went on a crime spree yesterday in Akihibara- a district of Tokyo known as the hub of the comic book sub-culture-and posted several warnings on internet forums that he would do so, on different occasions.
Well,he did just what he said he would do. He drove his truck into the middle of a crowd, got out and proceeded down the street on foot, stabbing everyone he come across. Seven people died as a result, as of the last count, before the police finally overpowered him.
One of the things he claimed he was upset about, outside of the fact that his life was just crappy in general, was that he could not seem to make friends.
I have an idea that a tone of voice that translates roughly as "It's all I can do to keep from slashing you into two thousand unrecognizable strips of bloody flesh", would tend to have a negative effect on one's social interactions.