Obama loves dose fucking Joooos he sed so rite here in dis here AIPAC speech and looky dere he even let him take his pichure with dem Jews.
No he don't not really love dose fucking Jews he just be pretending to love dose Jews but him just be playing politics he really love dose fucking Arabs becuz an Arab guy made speeches for him and stuff so dere but shit maybe he does love dose fucking Jews or he wouldn't have sed he loves dopse fucking Jews but he did.
John McCain loves dose Jews so much him wants to bomb bomb bomb bomb bomb Iran and Obama don't wanna bomb bomb bomb bomb bomb Iran so fuck dat mudderfucker dat proves he don't really love dose fucking Jews I mean dose nice Jews.
Joe Liebermann hims a Jew and Obama don't love dat fucking Jew either because him supporded dat dere Ned Lamont so dere mudderfuckers dat proves he don't love dem Jews and dat Jew Joe Lieberman don't like him eider but him won't admit it becus of Ned Lamont but say becus Obama don't really love dem fucking Jews I mean dose good Jews like Joe Lieberman.
Obama is a librul so dat proves rite dere he dont love dem fucking Jews I mean dose good Jews
Obama sucks and his ho Hilary should be strung by their heels and their throats cut!
That's a little harsh ain't it? Do you know Ren-Renegade Eye? He has a socialist blog, it's on my blogroll "Pantheon of Blogs". You ought to stop over and say hi if you haven't already been there. You're an old fart, ain't you? I bet you used to vote for Gus Hall. HaHaHaha
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