The Hydra picture above is one I am thinking of using as the header picture for a new blog I am thinking of starting. It's not one I am wanting to do instead of this one, but in addition to it. In fact, I will have little to do with it. The idea behind this blog is one I got while reading the constant sniping that goes on between two readers and commenters of another blog. The idea is to start a blog, and add these two guys, in addition to others, as team members. Let them just go at each other about anything and everything they want, with no holds barred.
If anyone would be interested let me know. Of course the caveat is these two guys would both have to agree to it, but I don't think they will. I don't think either of them took me seriously when I brought the subject up. Well, I was very serious. I think it could be a big hit.
The only rule I can think of right now would be no "mommy blogs", or "what I ate for breakfast" shit. Porn would be fine as long as it's not illegal shit or doesn't turn into a spam center. Oh yeah, that goes for spam of any kind. Otherwise, people can feel free to tear each other new assholes if they want.
I think it would be cool myself. One guy is a Trotskyist, the other a US government official of some sort who bills himself as a social liberal who no longer has a home in the Democratic Party and is a Giuliani supporter. If they would join as team members, and I can get others to join in the fun, it would be worth the effort, I'm sure.
If anybody has any thoughts, let me know. More than likely though, I doubt I'll go through with it unless I can get some kind of commitment from them, and hopefully a few others as well.
This is a very bad idea. Right now, those two are arguing on MY blog, where they are more than welcomed.
Those two probably provide almost half of all the comments on my blog. What are you trying to do ?
Calm down, Sonia. If they joined my team blog, they would still comment on your blog as much as they do now. In fact, they would probably comment on your blog more than they do now.
I don't think you have to worry about it anyway, because it ain't going to happen. They are both afraid of each other deep down, each one afraid the other will make him look foolish.
They will do that on the comments on other blogs, but they would never join a team blog geared toward competing with each other, because both of them as I said are afraid they will look bad.
For all of their big talk toward each other, if they were to meet each other out on the street, they would both take off running in opposite directions so fast the only people that would be in danger would be the innocent bystanders that would be in danger of being trampled in both of their mad rushes to get away from each other.
Beakerkin would especially be afraid to join, as he probably would assume that I would take up for Ren. I wouldn't, though, all I want to do is set the blog up and put them on as team members and let them go at each other. They can both post whatever they wanted. I probably wouldn't even comment on it very much, and if I did I wouldn't take sides.
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