It seems that a large segment of the voting public are attracted to candidates that call for and promise "change". Well, don't just take them at their word. Vote for the candidate who doesn't just call for change. Ask yourself, what candidate, more than any other, embodies the concept of change. I think I may have found the answer in
Bennie Lee "Ben" Ferguson-the candidate of change.
I can almost hear you asking, "okay, I get it. But what about his-er, her-er, it's other qualifications for office?"
Well, Bennie Lee should be more than qualified to defend our nation and engage in the war on terror. After all, after spending some time as head of a local Log Cabin Republicans group in Kansas, Bennie Lee worked as a security guard. So, what else could you ask for-more or less?
Now, Bennie Lee is a member of the Libertarian Party, and is a write-in candidate for President of the United States. So, come on, write in Bennie Lee "Ben" Ferguson. After all-
What have you got to lose?