Sunday, July 22, 2007

Magic Spell Ritual For A Wiccan Leader

Wiccans are always looking for leaders. The more people gravitate to Wicca from Christianity and other mainstream religions, the stronger becomes that overall urge for leadership.

They seem impressed by writers for some odd reason. Write yet another book of allegedly “original” ways to invoke the deities, cast circles, draw down the moon, and observe the Sabbats and Esbats, and you too might well be a Wiccan leader. Maybe it is because they are the only people as a group that are willing to publicly identify with the religion, while doctors, lawyers, and accountants would just as soon keep it to themselves, thank you very much.

On the other hand, maybe Jim Webb is on to something. He is now the Democratic Senator from Virginia, but who cares? He is a writer, by God, that is all that matters. Hey, Jim, if you ever run for President, I have the perfect Attorney General for you-John Grisham.

Anyway, it seems obvious to me that the more Christians convert to Wicca, the more there is going to be a clamor for “leadership”. After all, the Catholics have the Pope, the Southern Baptists have whoever is President of the Southern Baptist Association, and Episcopalians and Anglicans have the Archbishop of Canterbury, and all religions have a hierarchical structure, so Wicca needs that too, right?

So who should it be? Isaac Bonewits? A J Drew? Gavin and Yvonne Frost-or Bromwyn?

Well, a true Wiccan leader should be someone who wishes first and foremost, as leader, to help each individual realize their utmost potential, strive for constant improvement, and become the best person they can possibly be.

Therefore, with this in mind, I have concocted the following ritual, which all Wiccans should engage in to help them discern who that great Wiccan leader should be. The best thing about it is, you all do not have to do it all at once. You can each do it individually, in the privacy of your own homes, in your sacred space, in your own good time. Nevertheless, if you do it correctly, I guarantee that you will soon be gifted with a vision of who will be the perfect leader of Wicca.

To conduct this ritual, you will need the following items:

1. One black candle (South-for Fire)
2. One censor filled with sandalwood incense in cone form (East-for Air)
3. One silver or pewter cup filled with water or wine (West-for Water)
4. One large brass or ceramic bowl filed with rich, fertile soil. (North-for Earth)
5. Bowl of white vinegar
6. A mirror
7. A black ritual cloth
8. A second cloth

In the middle of the circle, place an oval or square mirror, ritually empowered to be a magic mirror. Before you start the ceremony, invoke the Goddess and The God. Meditate into the magic mirror on your own image. Ask the deities for the wisdom and grace needed to find the hidden answers and to lead you to the object of this sacred quest-a true, authentic Wiccan leader. Then, take a black ritual cloth, made of satin, silk, or some other natural material, and cover your magic mirror.

Then, you should invoke the elements. Begin first at the North and, invoking the elemental Power Earth, ask for the power of fertility, strength, good health, prosperity, and sound, good common sense. Then, pick up a handful of the rich, fertile soil and walk around the outer perimeters of the circle as you visualize a green energy field encompassing the area of the sacred circle. When you return to the North, visualize the power within you and, with your magical energy, slowly pour the dirt on top of the black ritual cloth that covers the sacred circle.

Then, move to the east, and to the censor. Light the incense as you invoke the elemental Power Air, and ask for wisdom, decisiveness, and the ability to see clearly through the haze at where the truth lies. Pick up the incense and walk the circle. As you do so, visualize a yellow energy field, mingling with the green that you should still visualize as well. Return to the East quadrant. Breathe in the fumes of the incense, and then take one deep breathe. Exhale this breath directly onto the black ritual cloth that covers your magic mirror.

Then, move to the South, and light the black candle, as you invoke the elemental Power Fire. Ask for passion, dedication, and spiritual strength as you then walk the circle, visualizing a red energy field, which will take its rightful place amongst the other colored fields. Return then to the Southern quadrant, taking care as always to walk the circle slowly. Once you have returned, allow some of the candle wax to drip down onto the black ceremonial cloth that covers the magic mirror.

Then, move to the West. Take the cup of water (or wine) and sip it, as you invoke the elemental Power Water. Ask for peace, love, and faith. Then, walk the circle, visualizing this time a blue field of energy that, like all the others, surrounds the circle. Return to the Western quadrant, and then pour enough of the liquid onto the black cloth to soak it thoroughly on top of your magic mirror. If possible leave just a small amount remaining in the cup.

You should then return to the North quadrant, whereupon you should bow down in front of the magic mirror. Utilizing the power of your visualization, you should meditate upon the black cloth on the magic mirror and, with your energy raising techniques, grasping hold of the black ritual cloth that covers the mirror, you should rub upon the mirror. Do this for an extensive period, until you feel your energy and your desire for a true Wiccan leader imbued within the very essence of the magic mirror.

After some time, you will feel when it is right to release the circle. As you do so, take up the black ritual cloth. Dip it into the bowl of earth, as you thank the elemental Power Earth for its presence and assistance at your ritual. Proceed then to the east. Allow the remaining wafts of incense smoke to swirl over the black ritual cloth, as you thank the elemental Power Air for its presence and assistance at this most important ritual. Proceed then to the South. As you thank the elemental Power Fire for its presence and assistance at the ritual, release the power as all the others, in this case by pinching out the flames of the candle by grasping the burning wick with the black ritual cloth (which should be sufficiently wet to enable you to do this painlessly). Finally, proceed to the West. Thanking the elemental Power Water for its presence and assistance at your ritual, release it by taking yet another sip and then dipping the black ritual cloth into the cup and, thus absorbing all the remaining excess liquid as is possible.

As you do all these things, you should visualize the different colored energy fields vanishing. You are now alone, and you should thank the deities, the Goddess and the God, for their presence and assistance at your ritual, and ask them to give you the guidance to make the final choice. Who will now be the great Wiccan leader?

Sit down in front of the now smudged, wet and dirty magic mirror, and meditate. You will, if you do this correctly, be graced with an image from The Goddess and The God. Perhaps you know who this new great Wiccan leader is. Yes, you are sure of it. Is it Isaac Bonewits? Is it Bromwyn Frost, or one of her parents? Is it A J Drew? Wait a minute, you might think. I think this is Silver Ravenwolf I am looking at here.

You must take your time, in order not to allow false images to infiltrate your mind, as the subconscious can play tricks on you. You must be careful. You must be sure. After all, this is an important decision you are about to make. It might conceivably be one of the most important decisions you will ever make in your life. Allow your mind to drift, to relax, as you meditate, and allow your inner spirit to guide you, with the help of the Great Goddess and God.

Once you are certain the time is right, take the clean, new, fresh ritual cloth and, dipping it into the bowl of vinegar, rub vigorously your magic mirror as you proclaim

“In the name of the Great Goddess and The God, I command you, begone, false image, and let the truth prevail. Use all your magical ritual energy in the cleaning of your magic mirror. Then, when you have finished, look down upon the surface of your magic mirror-

and say hello to your fucking Wiccan leader.


Anonymous said...

You know, I was really trying to intently read that, and really thinking that it was a beautiful ritual. So, your whole point in that was that you are your own wiccan leader? Oy.

SecondComingOfBast said...

Well, the main point was that people (not only Wiccans, but everybody) should be independent minded and not so quick to "follow the leader". Any adult should be mature enough to be able to think for him or her self.

Yet, there seems to be a lot of people that want leaders. This in my opinion is because they come from other traditions where they are expected to follow some kind of dogma, in many cases as expressed through the will of a Priest of Pope, or maybe a rabbi or even a Christian minister.

I don't have a problem with people turning to others for advice on any given matter, but I do have a very big problem with any one person or group of people setting themselves up, or having the honor conferred on them, as being some kind of leader whose word is law.

Of course, they would deny that is their intention, but in a lot of cases, I think deep down that's what they want. It's one thing for a person to exercise a leadership role in the context of one coven, but it's quite another thing altogether for Pagans as a whole to be expected to adhere to some dogma as handed down by a set of elites, no matter who they are.

The whole concept of paganism should be to become the best person you can possibly be, and to strive to constantly keep growing and improving. Such people don't need leaders, nor should they strive to acquire such an honor for themselves.