Monday, July 02, 2007

All The Rage

The woman pictured is an Indian actress named Padma Lakshmi. She was recently married to author Salmon Rushdie. It has just been announced that, as per her wishes, the two are to be divorced.

Will this get Salmon in yet more trouble, and bring down upon his head yet another fatwa from Islamic fundamentalists, as did his previous authorship of the novel "The Satanic Verses"? As much as his recently announced British knighthood?

Will they be enraged because he is allowing her to divorce him, as though she actually has a right to have a say in the matter? Will it be because he married her to begin with, in a Hindu ceremony at that? Will it be because he allowed her to dress like a slutty little whore?

Will the divorce possibly even provide them some sort of feeling of justification and satisfaction at Rushdie's sadness due to the ending of this, his fourth marriage?

Or will they feel so damned confused and conflicted they might just have to blow up some British newsstands?

They take these kinds of things seriously, you know, and Rushdie's knighthood may have provided an extra bit of incentive for the recent spate of attempted bombings in London, and the one in Scotland.

Not that they seem to need a whole lot of incentive. But just in case you think I'm exaggerating about their strong feelings about the place of women, and their hatred of western women's modern attire, you might want to read this article by Christopher Hitchens, in Slate. In it, he points out that the explosions, had they been successful, might well have been timed to coincide with "lady's night".

A whole lot of slutty women with loose morals would have had their shamefully revealed limbs scattered all over Piccadilly Square had that one been successful.

Me, I think I might go out next weekend and buy me a good lap dance, while it's still possible to get one in my price range.