Thursday, October 19, 2006

A Sun And Mars Conjunction-The Last Days Of Ramadan

This post is already making me feel like a cross between Chicken Little and the boy who cried wolf, especially since I have posted on this subject, or a variant thereof, several times, notably in this post from October of last year. Seeing as how this then will be an anniversary post of sorts, it seems appropriate to do it again, whether anyone takes it seriously or not.

But consider, the last day of Ramadan is October 23rd. Add to that the fact that the Sun and Mars will be in conjunction the entirety of the weekend from the 21st through the 23rd. To put the icing on the cake, bear in mind the numerous rumours to the effect that there may be a terrorist attack on our soil sometime before the end of Ramadan.

Don't yawn too quickly. It so happens that if you are watching any one of the numerous pro-football games that are scheduld for Sunday the 22nd, the posibility that one of them may be subjected to a sudden dirty bomb assault is frightening enough, and I admit unlikely. Homeland Security has advised that they feel there is no substance to the suppossed threats.

And true to form,the ACLU has filed suits to prevent what it obviously considers to be unreasonable searches and seizures of sports patrons to ward off such an event.

Me, I don't think it's likely. Why waste time on football games when there are so many other places that are unguarded, and unsuspecting.

And yeah, I know the other times I posted about this, it didn't pan out. But remember, the idea that Al-Queda might use astrological aspects in order to coordinate attacks that had been planned months, or even years, in advance, is no guarantee of their success, any more than the more typical and traditional synchronization of watches would be.

It's not so much an occult magical working as it is a mere timing device, based on an Arabian science of long standing tradition. Astrology, to be exact, which among many early Arab and Muslim civilizations was held in as high esteem as was medicine, mathematics, astronomy, etc.

And again, it will be during the last two days or so of Ramadan.


  1. So, how does the dwarf planet Eris, Hail, Eris!, fit into this crazy scheme?

  2. It wouldn't, nor would Pluto or Neptune. Traditional Arabian astrology would be more like the Hindu, or ancient Roman or Babylonian. It would utilize aspects involving the sun, moon, and the traditional classical planets of ancient times, plus maybe the lunar nodes.

    And like I said, it would be used for the purposes of synchronizing a schedule planned months or years in advance, not for any magical, religous, or spiritual effects. Although this would be considered an added advantage from a cultural standpoint.

    In other words, just to make sure I'm being clear, these are people that can't necessarily openly communicate with their leaders and supporters, or if they can must be very limited in how they go about it.

    Using astrological aspects, plans can be drawn up and followed years after the fact, plus it has the added advantage of having a cultural significance that would be more effective than merely setting a general calendar date.

  3. If nothing happens, you can say your posts warned authorities, and the plots were stopped.

  4. I doubt the authorities would take my theory seriously. What brought it to my attention was the astrological aspects that were in play on 9/11. Mars had returned to about the part of the Zodiac from which it had begun a recent retrograde motion. Shit,the government wasn't paying attention when people were warning them directly about the plot, they sure wouldn't listen to something like that, probably not even now.

  5. Ah, but it's the perfect basis for a movie plot!
