Friday, October 20, 2006

Don't Be Cruel

Ain't that what the King once advised? Well, so be it. In his honor, I will not name the subject of this post. If he happens across it, he will know who he is. So will anybody else that has been to his blog over the last couple of days. The fact that I'm about to talk bad about him-but at the same time, not mention his name, or his blog, save the fact that it is on the blogroll-will be suitable enough punishment.

Some people have a bad habit of letting tHeir egos get the better of them. They get their heads way up in the air, and then they trip over themselves. They ought to know better to walk with their feet in their mouths, for one thing.

Okay, here's the deal. You are a fucking blogger. You are not mother fucking Theresa. If you are a fucking good little boy, and keep doing what you do best, one of these days you might fucking win a fucking bloggy award. You will fucking not fucking win a fucking Peabody or a fucking Nobel or a fucking Pulitzer. They fucking don't fucking give those fucking kinds of fucking prizes for a fucking blog or the fucking bloggers that fucking BLOG them.

Now here's the fucking deal. You have a fucking good blog and you provide a fucking voice to the fucking people who fucking read it who fucking might be fucking frustrated. And you fucking do it fucking brilliantly.

Otherwise nobody fucking gives a fucking rats fucking ass about your fucking opinions which when you fucking strip it down to fucking basics ain't no fucking better than my fucking opinion it's just a fucking other fucking opinion.

So now you are fucking going to fucking go to fucking colege to fucking be a fucking journalist and fucking learn to be fucking objective. So to that fucking end you are fucking planning on fucking deleting your fucking blog and fucking starting another one, which I have fucking read. Yes, I fucking clicked on the fucking link to your new fucking blog and I fucking read it and I can fucking sum up my fucking opinions in this fucking way.


You're fucking going to be a fucking serious journalist and fucking so you are going to fucking stop fucking saying fucking on your fucking blog?

BULLFUCKING SHIT!!!! Here's the fucking truth. Your fucking head is in the fucking clouds ecuase you've fucking suddenly attracted a fucking bunch of fucking new readers but one of the fucking Christians was fucking complaining about your fucking lanquage and it is fucking getting you fucking down and so you are fucking caving in.

Or maybe she fucking sent you a fucking picture and you are fucking hoping to fucking hit that fucking ass. See, you fucking just fucking can't get fucking away fucking from fucking fucking.

Come back down to fucking earth soldier. Okay, you have fucking sacrificed for your fucking country and you fucking deserve our fucking thanks. So, fucking thanks. But it's only fucking good for so fucking much. One fucking thing it fucking doesn't give you the fucking right to fucking do is fucking bore us to fucking tears.

Okay, I've fucking said my fucking piece. In fucking cnclusion, I will fucking direct you to this fucking link by Maddox. Every fucking blogger in the fucking world should be fucking required to read this article at least once a fucking year, including me.

And by fucking god, my fucking friend, you fucking need to read it this fucking miute.


  1. Ahhhh, I think you're on his fucking blogroll. I would fucking tell you who he fucking is, but he puts me in mind of a crazy "UNCLE", and let me fucking tell you, "MAC", if he found out that I "IS" taking about him this way, he would probably getting fucking "PISSED".

    So I'd better not fucking tell you.

  2. Didn't you notice, in my reply, the words I put in quotation marks? In all capitol letters?

  3. just an observation..

    um... doesn't sun in mars denote aggression? and here is your very next post where you are trying to be as less aggressive as the situation and your conscience permits..

  4. "So now you are fucking going to fucking go to fucking colege [sic] to fucking be a fucking journalist and fucking learn to be fucking objective."

    Hahahah ho-ho hehehe ... oh, that's rich. Journalism school objectivity... Oh, phew, man... that's funny.

  5. Well, Sou, in the grand scheme of things, what Uncle Mac does on his blog really isn't that important. But, yes, Groucho, that's one of the things he said on his blog post about it. And yes, it is funny. There aren't any objective jouranlists once you get past the beat reporters that just report straight news, and that's even questionable. A lot of reporters that decide they are going to go in-depth to get "the striaght scoop" a lot of the times have their so-called objectivity severely tested when they are lead to a truth they weren't counting on, or wanting to find.
