Wednesday, October 11, 2006


UPDATE: Well, the fucking shit has happenned again, and I'm almost sure it has something to do with this god damn Blogger Beta bull shit, so fuck it. No more posts until this fucking shit has been settled, for good, which means no more posts for maybe a week after it has been fixed with NO MOTHERFUCKING INTERRUPTIONS!!!!

So if some of these cocksucking sites want to try to sell me something with their goofy fucking ads I guess they are just shit out of luck, not that I would buy anything from the fucking morons anyway, becasue they slow me down so much THEY PISS ME THE FUCK OFF!!!!

Just wondering, does anybody besides me have a problem with, or is having one? Jus thought I'd ask, because I want you to know, in case you come on this site and notice the Blogroll is gone-I didn't do it. I can't log onto the site either, I keep getting an error message. Yet, the blogroll shows up on Hillbilly White Trash, so I can't figure it out. If anybody has any information as to what's going on, I'd appreciate hearing it. Until such time as this mess is fixed I won't be blogging. I've about had it with this shit anyway, if it ain't one thing it's another. I'm sick of wasting my time with this crap, there ain't a night that goes by that I get to bed at a decent hour. It's either something with Blogger itself, if not, then it's Technorati, or Site Meter, or some other stupid fucking shit, and I've had it. Now it's Blogrolling, the one major feature on my blog I seldom have a problem with. So fuck it.

Goodbye for now, I need a vacation from this useless shit anyway.


  1. Useless?

    Even when you're expressing yourself about expressing yourself, you're expressing yourself.

    Useless, yes... but oh so useful, too.

    Widow's Son, uselessly rambling and babbling as usual

  2. That's true. But I stay pissed off eighty percent of the time anymore, and about half of it is directly or indirectly due to computer problems, so a lot of the time I'm expressing myself, it's based on that. The kinder, gentler me doesn't get much say in things.

    But at least it's nice to see the Blogrolling problem is solved, for now, until something else pops up to make me tear my hair out.

  3. nope! it's not just for you.. i've noticed it on quite a few blogs i frequent.

    i, ofcourse, do not have a blogroll as i have a very low threshold for irritation and no patience where it concerns technology :|

    ..don't disappear for too long!

  4. Unfortunately, you get what you pay for.

  5. That explains the slowness, but that's no excuse for the Blogroll to disappear. Actually, it only started to get bad after Blogger started this new development, which once it's finished won't be worth near the time and trouble it's caused. Also, it seems like it's worse at night, through most of the day not's not that bad. Anyway, I could afford to upgrade, it would only be four extra dollars a month through my phone company. By the same token, if I need work done on my computer, the only people around here that can work on it are the people I have my ISP through. I figure if I keep doing business with them, that's an incentive for them to get any work I might need done in a timely fashion. Plus, I just believe in patronizing local business when possible, as oppossed to big corporations.

  6. Well the obvious problem with Blogger is that's its owned by Google and their wonderful internal policies of members switching projects at any point, 20% time, their perpetual BETAware status, and they're complete lack of performing by their own marketing motto of "do no evil" (re: China compliant censorship), all add up to a system that's falling short of expectations with massive user adoption.

    Just look how Google search has been deterioting in giving way too much weight to the blather of Blogger's sites. I know from's site stats that users are constantly getting to my site with totally inappropriate results for their searches. Am I really such an authority that I should show up on the front page for a search of "nasa orion logo"? Of course not. Obviously, it's just too easy to game the system with the blogs weighted they way they are. That's a failure. Or a marketing success from Google's perspective.

    I don't trust Blogger to keep my information safe, so I host my files myself, out of their glitches and clutches. I don't use AdSense anymore as it delays loading pages and tracks users habits for Google's benefit, not mine.

    It should be real interesting to see how devolves with the input from their new techno-hippie masters. I'm with Mark Cuban on this one, that anyone buying youtube at this point is a "moron." Look at Google's Video site, they obviously have no idea what they're doing, hence the purchase of youtube.

    But that's the net, baby! Buy and Destroy.

  7. I don't know what they were thinking of when they shelled out i.6 billion or whatever it was they paid for YouTube, I know it was over a billion dollars. That was fucking crazy. If I were a stockholder of Google I would be raising holy hell right now.

    I understand they are always wanting to improve and upgrade, but shit, they need to give it a rest between projects and think them out better. This Blogger beta crapo, for example. Have you read their page on that from the Blogger homepage? Does it make any sense to you? What are you supposed to be getting that's so damn great? Nothing that I can see.

    As for AdSense, I always thought it suspicous that they never came out and told you what you could make. One person I know makes eight dollars a month. Her Profile page lists more than thirty thousand views. Well, I'll tell you who it is, it's Sonia Belle.

    So just exactly what are you supposed to be getting out of it that would make it worth your time? Not worth my time, that's for sure.

    By the way, I found out that the best way to get good results on a search engine is put the word or phrase you are looking for in quotation marks. That excludes everything else. You probably already knew that, I just found it out from an commercial. It seems to work for Google too.

  8. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  9. It probably wouldn't be worth it. I've thought of doing the same thing. I like Worppress, but if they charge you for having a blog, I don't see where it would be to my benefit. I don't know that they do, but I know some do, I think maybe Typepad for example, though I'm not sure. I've also thought about moving over to Haloscan for comments, but the only problem with that is you lose all your old comments. If they fix that I might do it. But right now I'm totally out of the mood to do anything that I know would require more than five minutes of my time.

  10. Wordpress has a free option. They also have options that will (according to their website) import both the blog posts and the comments. I'm not sure what the paid options do - I'd like to find a side-by-side comparison, but haven't run across it yet.

    I'm going to wait until the Blogger dust settles in a few months.

    The Tao of Masonry

  11. Be wary of those for pay sites that offer free options. A lot of companies will go out of their way to give you shoddy services just so you'll upgrade. I'm not saying they would do that, but I know a phone company that was recently sued over those kind of tactics, in fact I think I did a post about it some months back, or meant to. Sitemeter is one example of one that aggravates the living shit out of me. Now they have this little pop-up that floats around asking you to "rake a little time" to answer a quetionnairre. Those fucks have got to be kidding.

    I was curious as to why you deleted your last comment. Is my constant bitching and complaining starting to get to you?

  12. You know, you have cranked up the bitch-meter quite a bit. But hey, if you can't vent on your own friggin' blog, then where else can you do it, right?

    I have a couple of LiveJournal accounts - the free ones - and I have no complaints. I was trying to find a way to get pictures on one of them (it's acutally my daughter's), but the free accounts don't allow that. However, I recently discovered that I can get a Photobucket or Picassa account (free), host the pics over there and link the pics on the LJ. In fact, that's what I did on my last few Masonic posts - I opened my own Picassa account for my lodge events and simply linked to them from the posts. Not only is it easy, but people opening up my blog don't have to d/load 2 dozen pics that they might not want.

    I've been playing with several of the free site counters, and Sitemeter can be a PITA. On one hand, I figure "you get what you pay for". OTOH, I tried several others. Right now I'm happy with StatCounter ( Not as many tweaky features, but no annoying adverts, either. Bravenet also has been good for me, and I like the cool display options.

    I've talked to a couple of friends with WP accounts, and they're generally happy with the free version. But that still doesnt' make up for the aggravation of moving everything, tweaking the site, etc. And I'm too new at this to consider paying for, say, my own site or domain. I think. When I get past a year or so I'll think about it.

    The Tao of Masonry

  13. Nope. That's the deal with beta, you know - it's beta.

    Sorry to see that you have such a negative opinion of blogging at the moment. May your love of it return.

  14. Auto, it's not the blogging. Like Tom says, it's the aggravation that goes along with it, here for the last few weeks especially. It's really getting old. It's a big drain of energy, and takes time away from other things, all because these assholes have to always be screwing with something, or doing something to interfere.

    For example, today I found out I was having a lot of trouble because someone reinstalled WIndows Firewall on my system, without my permission. Why or how they-Microsoft, I presume-did that I have no idea, but I couldn't get on Firefox, and I spent three hours tonight correcting the fucking problem. Three hours of my life just because Microsoft is having some kind of shitty feud with Firefox.

    That's the kind of shit I'm talking about.
