Wednesday, October 11, 2006

A Belated Anniversary Reflection

If I ever get married, I have a good excuse for not remembering birthdays and anniversaries. Hell, I can't even remember my own. When June 12th rolled around, I had completely forgotten that I had in fact had this blog for a full year. Worse, I had planned on marking the occassion, but circumstances ended up seeing the day come by, go, and completely slip my mind. Well, based on the assumption that late is better than never, I guess I should take the time to pat myself on the back. It's now about one year and four months since I started this blog.

Not much has changed, but some things have. I decided to limit my political postings, for one thing, while not entirely avoiding politics. I look at it like this. Nobody is going to change my mind, and the chances of my changing anybody's mind is like slim and none, and-wait a minute, what's that, over there in that cloud of dust that just left town? Fuck, it's Slim.

In other words, I figure the only people that want to hear what I have to say about politics is people that either already agree with me, or not, but I ain't going to make no big mark on the world one way or another. I might get linked here and there on a few political blogs, but I'm pretty unlikely to be interviewed by Larry King or Keith Olbermann, so why bother?

On the other hand, if I feel I have some unique perspective on things, yeah, I'll still chime in here and there. But for the most part, I've decided to just take it as it comes. Just write about whatever I feel, when the mood hits.

Anyway, I thought, well, since this is a late anniversary exercise in ego, I'll just go over some of my past posts, with links. Of course, there is the dilemna of what to choose from, but the obvious answer quickly presented itself. Why not post a link to one post from each month?

Hopefully, somebody somewhere might find my bizarre ramblings on varied subjects over the last roughly one and a half years worth clicking on to. And so, without further ado, I once again embarass myself with some of the most oddball reminiscences I could collect under one post.

This June 05 post falls under the category of "Do as I say, not as I do". It was a technique for the gradual cessation of smoking that I called The Way-I Hope-To Stop Smoking. I failed, but don't let that stop you. The formula, and accompanying year long ritual observances are still sound, in my opinion. The problem was not with the message, it just needed a better messenger.

In July of 05, I conducted a little experiment in Tarot reading, to try to ascertain who George Bush was going to pick for his first Supreme Court appointment. It ended up being John Roberts, and if I say so myself, the reading I conducted on this post here, while not perfect, came awful close in describing Bush's eventual appointee. You read it, and you be the judge of it's overall accurracy.

In August 05, I delved into a little bit of my ancestral heritage as a pagan eccentric in this post I did about my great-great granfather, Ira Wells Senior-Satanist. I never actually met the man, he was long long dead and gone by the time I was born, but this might be proof that certain things are just in the blood.

In September 05, which for the most part was dedicated to rages and rants involving Hurricane Katrina, I took enough time out to conduct a rant against the political correctness agenda of the folks of Court TV, in which I decided that it was more Court TV for Soap Lovers than it was for those actually interested in equal justice or the law.

In October of 05, I decided, after careful consideration, to relate an experiment that I once conducted with marijuana and anise seed essential oil in The Ritual Uses Of Anise. It was an experiment that proved most interesting and provocative. I may have also inadverdently as a result learned the identity of a murderer. Too bad I have no way of proving it.

In November of 05 I was somewhat amazed as well as amused at the spectacle of so many people who were heading to a certain cathedral near Sacremento California, in hopes of viewing, and receiving healing, from the purported miracle of a statue of the Virgin Mary that cried tears of blood. I have never learned exactly what the truth was concerning this, but I did posit a list of very possible reasons as to Why Is Mary Crying.

In December of 05, I decided to be the Al Gore of Kentucky, in an environmental post that I called Pikeville And The Vanishing Mountains.

Janurary of 06 was a boring month, filled with pretty much useless rants, but some good posts as well, but for now I'll stick to this simple little propserity ritual of my own design. Have you ever wondered what it would be like to cut your own hair by candlight at night? Read this and wonder no more.

In February of 06, I uncovered a sinister plan of George W. Bush and the Neo-Cons which he revealed in his State Of The Union Address of that year in what seemed to be an exercise in plausible deniability. Watch out, I declared, for Those Evil Human Animal Hybrids.

In March of 06, I reminisced about the evil plan I could have made my own, but passed up the chance for power, fame and infamy in The Cult That Never Was.

In April of 06 I finally posted the story of Washington DC councilman Jim Graham, Aaron Burr, and the skull of James Wirt in the bizarre mystery I called The Place Of A Skull.

In May of 06 I made the mistake of copying and pasting from my Yahoo Group, Paganbitchslap, a short story that I should have rewritten and posted directly from Blogger, and to Blogger, as the printing is smaller than usual. Still, it's a good short story, in my opinion, though I do probably need to rewrite it. The name says it all, and if you have the stomach you can read here The Curse Of The Pussy Eating Vampire.

In June of 06, I delved into what seems to be the second childhood of Neil Young, as he bemoaned the lack of protest singers. It's the gold records, stupid, I more or less explained in
The Times They Have A' Changed.

Well, that should have been my anniversary post, but why leave well enough alone? Since we're on the subject of celebrities , might as well delve into this July 06 post I did in response to Mel Gibsons drunken anti-Semitic rant, in which I explain the background and historicity of Chrisitian Anti-Semitism in Anti Semitic Conscousness And Consequences.

That brings us to August of 06, and one of my own personal all time favorite posts, in which I extoll the red-blooded, all-American virtues inherent in A Teenage Sexual Fantasy.

Finally, I guess we'll end it with this one post from last month, September 06, in which I come clean and admitted my own past indiscretions-er, sort of-in Confession-MeAnd Debbie LeFave.

Well, so I guess that's it. Happy Birthday to me. Please take the time to read some of this inane crap, and feel free to comment as usual, preferably on this post, about any of them. Your regular readership and friendship, your praise and constructive criticism, is always appreciated. Hell, I think if I was to have you all over for a party some time, I might even have to add an extra room to the house. I must be doing something right.


  1. Sometimes when you are expressing a political opinion, you may not be changing the person you are directly talking to, but possibly influencing a third party observer.

    The influence of an opinion, may not always be immediate, as instances characterized as, "Now I understand".

    My blogging turned me more leftist. My earliest posts were certainly to your right.

    There is no other blog like this one. It's not easy to put your posts in a neat box.

    Belated Happy Birthday.

  2. Thanks, Renegade, I appreciate that. That's a good point about the potential influence on third party readers. I guess my main point is I don't want my blog to be devoted totally to politics, any more than I want it to be totally devoted to paganism or religion.

    I want it to be more of general interest, while including those things as well. Plus, I strive for independence, which enables me to see things from a more unbiased point of view. Unbiased that is as far as being aligned with one side or another, I can still get plenty pissed, at either one or both sides.

    Interesting that you started out as a conservative, that's actually quite hard to imagine. You seem to be very liberal, though in a thoughtful, reasonable way.

    If you can find time, click on some of my past links in this post. I'd be very interested in your take on some of them.

  3. Thanks, Tony. Actually, I have quite a few blogs on my blogroll that aren't linked to me. Some don't have blogrolls at all, but I mainly want to provide and promote a balanced perspective of viewpoints. I would like if they would all link to me in return, but if they don't, it's not really that big a deal. Maybe in time they will.

    Yeah, that picture was disturbing, I know. Actually, it wasn't the worse one I came across, believe it or not. It's the kind of thing that should make a person think about the proceedure. I don't go along with the idea of banning all abortions, but still, it's a proceedure that should not be entered into lightly, or blindly. Thanks for stopping by.

  4. Happy Anniversary, Patrick. Let's just remember that I've been with you since the beginning, when I was an anonymous lurker. :) I consider myself your first fan.

  5. I remember well. You are my first and longest lasting reader, and I thank you for your continued friendship and support. I wish I could say the best is yet to come, as people like you make all the little aggravations of Blogger worthwhile. So I'll just say, stick around and hope for the best.

  6. It's a good idea to go back over the posts from time to time. You've certainly a wide variety of posts, which is part of the charm of this blog.

  7. Thanks Rufus. You've been around here for a while too, and I appreciate your friendship and support as well. Sometimes, though,I have to admit, when I go back over some of those older posts I start to think, damn, what the hell was I tripping on?

  8. Wow, good to see you're still coming around, lifestragedy. Been awhile. Good to hear from you again, too. Don't be a stranger.

  9. ...then I think you should do the tag, just for my loyalty. :)

  10. I aoready did it, remember-Brothers Karamazov?

  11. Point of clarification: I wasn't a conservative. I did have confusion, because I was influenced by Hitchens. I think he is evolving to becoming less relevant.

    The best blogs focus on several subjects.

  12. I used to get pissed off at Hitchens because whenever people debate him they can barely get a word in edgewise. Now, that doesn't bother me. For the most part, they are irrelevant, not him.

    Most of the time, you know what is going to come out of most of their mouths before it actually does. The usual stale, tired set of talking points, be it liberal or conservative.

    Where he used to piss me off constantly interrupting them, now I thank him, because I see and appreciate where he's coming from. Hitchens rocks.
