THE BLACK DEATH (Scene From The Royston Tapestry)

According to latest research from a study conducted by a team from the University of Ultrecht in the Netherlands, the phenomenon known as the Little Ice Age of Europe may have been caused by the Black Plaque. The resulting depopulation of Europe due to the Fourteenth Century plaque caused untold millionsof acres on the continent to be deserted, thus unsettled, unpopulated, and untended, which allowed for the widespread growth of millions of trees on what had previously been mostly farmland. This soaked up the carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, which would have had the effect of cooling the climate.
This has been ascertained from the study of pollen and leaf data. So, what does it tell us today? Well, it has occurred to me, for one, that we are now seeing the oppossite results. The constant lessenning of trees, the reduction in the rainforrests and continual deforestation in other areas, may in fact prove to be a contributing factor to the phenomenon of global warming th

at we see on-going today. This, in fact, may prove to be of more vital importance than the impact of pollution, or at least of as great importance. It is certainly somethig that should be considered.
Of course, even if this proves to be the case, there yet remains the question-what the hell are we going to do about it?