Tuesday, February 02, 2010

The Princess Effect

It's a general weakness of mankind that we tend to treat what we consider "beautiful" or "attractive" people better than those less fortunate, and the wider the difference in looks, the bigger the difference in the way we interact with them. A recent scientific study suggests that this has affected attractive people in unforeseeable ways, by causing them to be more aggressive. There was actually a controversy over this, not due to the actual study, but because of a misunderstanding when it was reported that blondes tend to be more violent and aggressive. This might have been a mistake, but more likely it was a way to gain attention for the article in question.

Despite the controversy, the study makes sense. At first glance, you might think the opposite would be the case, but on the other hand, we tend to treat unattractive people with more consistency. Attractive people, both male and females, get more mixed reviews. Some people love them, some people through jealousy and resentment (and this is including other attractive people) hate them, while a good many feign indifference.

It's easy to see how this could set up internal conflicts, particularly when this starts at an early age in adolescence.

Therefore, parents, let this be a lesson to you. Treat your ugly children exactly the same as you treat your attractive children. They have a right to grow up to be assholes just like the rest of us.

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