Tuesday, February 02, 2010

PETA Hates Children And Animals, And Everything In Between

Punxsutawney Phil has seen his shadow, so six more weeks of bad weather, but if the folks of PETA have their way, Phil will be put out to pasture, quite literally, and replaced with a robot of some kind that might or might not look like a Groundhog. PETA needs to sticking to what they do best-appealing to the lowest common denominator of mankind through the use of naked actresses and porn stars. Phil is by most accounts treated better than most children are treated. To PETA, Phil is just another wild beast who should be let loose in the wild, or a nature preserve, where he would probably never adjust. Sometimes I don't think these people really think things through, but then again, this is a group once headed by a man who couldn't even concede it was all right to exterminate rats. Or to kill head lice. These people are nuts.


  1. Anonymous7:20 PM

    The robot takes away from the meaning of the holiday. I don't know what they mean by treated better than most children. How much are they pampering this thing?
    By the way, do a search for the billboard PETA made using the Duggar family without their permission. Ouch!

  2. "PETA Hates Children And Animals, And Everything In Between"

    That about says it all.

    I don't know whether you had the incredible "The Holocaust on your plate" campaign over there at your end as well or noticed the letter of that unspeakable Ingrid Newkirk to "His Excellency" Yassir Arafat in 2003 because that murderous scum turned a donkey into a suicide bomber and never mind the human victims.

    I thematised PETA here.
