Friday, January 22, 2010

That Hugo-He Has All The Answers

First, Pat Robertson blamed it on God's anger over a pact with the devil. Then, Danny Glover blamed it on Gaea's anger over the collapse of the Copenhagen Summit. But Hugo Chavez ain't having any of that superstitious nonsense. He has determined the true culprit responsible for the Haitian earthquake, and all the resultant devastation is-wait for it-

The United States, who he claims did all this by testing a new, super secret earthquake machine. Why did they do this? They are planning to use it against Iran, naturally.

After all, would the Russian North Fleet tell him something like that if it wasn't true?


  1. Anonymous12:34 PM

    Our Hurricane generating machine is MUCH much better than our earthquake weapon. But then, I guess there aren't as many hurricanes in Iran as there are earthquakes, so I guess Hugo's got a point in divulging the ultimate target for all this new secret technology development.

  2. Just wait till Hugo finds out about our super-secret experimental underground oil siphoning robotic drones. Once a few glitches are ironed out, our energy problems are over.

  3. Neither your link or Fox, attribute the statement to Chavez. We know how honest Fox News is. They want to overthrow him, and will say anything to discredit him.

    I read Chavista websites, and none have such garbage.

    Over at RCTV, women have to take pregnancy tests to be hired.

  4. Ren-

    Don't blame me, blame Tucker Carlson. I believe it because it sounds pretty much in character for a man who talks about the smell of brimstone in speeches before the UN General Assembly and who generally makes an obnoxious ass out of himself anytime or anywhere he puts in an appearance. Hugo is a schoolyard bully in search of a weakling who hasn't caught on yet to the fact that he himself is an object of derision on the world stage.

    The Colombians even laugh at him openly and publicly. Don't begrudge the Russian Northern Fleet the opportunity to join in the fun, it's good for morale. It gets cold, lonely, and boring out on those cold, dark waters.

  5. Anonymous12:14 PM

    Here ya go Ren. From the donkey's ass to your ears...

  6. Anonymous11:16 AM

    btw - Ren, in case you didn't notice, Hugo took RCTV and six other private cable channels off the air in Venezuela last week, and I don't think it had anything to do with "pregnancy tests". Something about not wanting to listen to the donkey's ass 24/7...

  7. A big problem here is Hugo has way too much arbitrary power. Here he is at the drop of a hat closing down television stations, arbitrarily changing the names of world-renown tourist attractions, expropriating businesses, making one ridiculously long-winded speech after another and making all kinds of inappropriate and rash comments about foreign leaders.

    Isn't there or shouldn't there be some kind of legislative body that should have some kind of say over some of his actions? Isn't there any kind of judicial system, or anything else that could put the brakes on or rein him in? Do these bodies exist at all or if they do is their function reduced to that of rubber stamp? WTF?

    Pat Robertson has made a lot of reckless, foolish statements over the years, as witnessed the last foolish remark over the Haitian earthquake disaster, but when he said a while back that we should take Hugo out, that might be an example of one nugget of wisdom. This clown has gone from a mere inconvenient but potentially positive counter-balance in the Southern Hemisphere to where he is nothing but a reckless, dangerous fool who is every bit as much a destabilizing force in regional affairs as the Iranians and Palestinians are in the Middle East.

    He's gone way over the line and well past the point that would legitimize and justify the US taking steps to interfere in the affairs of a sovereign nation, and he is not going to mellow with age like a fine wine, I'm afraid.

  8. Anonymous8:22 PM

