Friday, January 22, 2010

Air America Crashes, Burns

Air America has officially ceased live broadcasting and announced it is filing Chapter 7 Bankruptcy. HuffPo readers react. Of course, they whine, complain, and get all defensive while they offer one cheap excuse after another for the program's failures. Some of them are so far removed from reality they crow about the success of Rachel Maddow and Al Franken, among others.

I would point out that Rachel Maddow has been on MSNBC for years, and I sure wouldn't be too quick to credit Al Franken's Minnesota Senate victory to Air America. Crooked lawyers, corrupt Democratic Party state officials, the SEIU and ACORN get the lion's share of the credit for that travesty, all aided and abetted by a strong third party Senate candidacy. If the truth were known, more people were negatively than positively influenced by Franken's Air America association.

Air America has been for years a giant zeppelin spewing hot air and steadily approaching ground level. The Hindenburg explosion could not have been more obvious. The most absurd excuse I've yet heard for Air America's problems-and bear in mind I heard this one years ago-is the notion that liberal listeners just work too hard to be able to find the time to patronize a radio program. More than just an implication, the stated charge here is that Rush Limbaugh listeners are for the most part uneducated, illiterate, unemployed trailer trash hicks who don't have anything more constructive to do with their time than listen to Rush Limbaugh and call in to spew their "right wing hate", what times they aren't guzzling booze and fucking their sisters in the bed of their pick-up trucks.

My question to that risible proposition would be, do liberals work twenty-four fucking hours a day? Are radio station programmers too inept to pick an appropriate time slot? Or is this yet another part of one of those right-wing corporate conspiracies we're always hearing so much about?


  1. I thought liberals all listen to NPR.

  2. NPR actually has pretty decent programming, if you like classical music and stuff. I guess their editorial content is mostly liberal, I never listened that much to them. But I don't think it was ever on the level of Air America.

    Air America was meant to be pure red meat thrown to the left. It was meant as an alternative to the Rush Limbaughs who permeated the airwaves. There wasn't much of a liberal presence on radio at the national level, so Air America was conceived to redress that balance.

    It would have went off the air a long time ago were it not for some private funding from people like Soros and others of his ilk.

    If they'd tried to moderate their stance to where a moderate Democrat would feel like he could sit and listen to it without feeling like he was bordering on subversion, they might have been successful, maybe not as much as they would have liked, but at least their advertisement revenue would be steady.

    There just aren't that many people who like to listen to that off the wall stuff. And I know the right-wing programs can come across as equally extreme in their own way, but the big difference here is, the right comes across as hating the left. Air America comes across to most people, fairly or not, not only like they hate the right, but that they literally hate this country-it's history, culture, traditions, it's historic values, the whole package. That just won't ever play well outside of a very limited audience.
