Tuesday, September 15, 2009

There Are Some Things You Can Just Never Live Down

Is it possible that little punk Kanye West dissed Taylor Swift as a way of revving up interest in his appearance on the opening night of the new Jay Leno Show? The two events did seem to dovetail a little too neatly to be a mere coincidence. On the other hand, if that's why he did it, why when Leno questioned him about the matter did he seem so embarrassed, so ashamed of himself?

Could it possibly be because when it came time for his appearance, he realized what a dreadful mistake he had made?

No, I'm not talking about the mistake of his insulting Taylor Swift by grabbing the microphone out of her hands at the MTV Video Music Awards and declaring that Beyonce had a great video-implying that she, not Swift, deserved to win.

As you might have guessed by now, I am instead talking about the dreadful mistake he made by agreeing to appear on the first installment of Leno's new dog of a comedy/variety/talk show, which is scheduled to appear five nights a week, Monday through Friday at ten o'clock, on most of the various local NBC affiliates, which I have a strong idea many people are going to be avoiding in droves during said time period.

What the hell are they thinking? That's actually a rhetorical question, again in case you hadn't guessed. It's obvious what's going on here. People are starting, thankfully, to tire of the seemingly endless streams of reality and game shows, so NBC needs another way of attracting viewers-a way that is relatively inexpensive in comparison to creating, writing, producing, directing and casting a truly world class television series, for example.

Simply migrate Leno from his traditional late night spot to the ten pm prime time slot, they seem to have decided, and they should really have a winner. There is only one flaw in their "reasoning". The show is not worth sitting through a whole hour. I made that decision before the first thirty minutes were up on the first night, and didn't even bother to suffer through any more of it before Leno got to his patented "Headlines" routine-the one part of his late night show I use to enjoy somewhat.

Leno is one of those comedians who love to make lame political jokes. Maybe somebody forgot to clue him in to the fact that most people these days just don't have much of a sense of humor when it comes to politics. Granted, this is a problem that could very easily be solved. How? With jokes, of course. The unfortunate caveat to that is-they should be funny.

Yeah, Kanye West, you made a fucking worthless, low-class ass out of yourself, and you should really be ashamed-but take heart. Maybe, like me, most people changed the channel before your appearance on Leno's sorry excuse for a program.


  1. I was expecting this post.

  2. I could have said a lot more, but the post turned out being more about Leno's shitty show than it was West.

    Let's just say Kanye West is more than likely not a black Republican and leave it at that.
