Monday, September 14, 2009

I've been doing a lot of the household stuff most people usually put off until the spring, and one of those things is painting. So far I've painted the living room walls, but not the ceiling and the woodwork yet. I'll get to that later. I painted the walls white, and it looks damn good if I do say so myself. I'm eventually going to do the doors and at least some of the woodwork in turquoise, if I can find that color paint. If not, maybe green, to match my kitchen. Then comes the part I dread-the bedroom. That means a whole lot of moving and cleaning under things first. That's the hard part about painting. It's not the actual painting, it's all the preparation and incidental shit that goes with it that's a pain in the ass. Which is why I haven't posted much in the last few days. Hopefully I'll get caught up in time to do a series of posts for Mabon, and maybe a few things between now and then. But for now, back to the grind.

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