Tuesday, September 01, 2009

Hulk Mad! Hulk Smash! Hulk Need Pussy!

Disney buys Marvel Entertainment. Well, that's the plan anyway. All they have to do is sell it to the board of Marvel shareholders. Well, that and cross all t's and dot all i's in the way of getting around any anti-trust concerns, and we will probably be bombarded soon with a slew of Marvel based movies. Worse, this could portend a whole new slate of superhero television series on the ABC television network.

Gag. And just think, when I was a young lad of about seven and eight years old, that would have been a dream come true. As a young whippersnapper, I would spend some time reading my beloved Marvel comics, wondering what it would be like were there to be not merely cartoons, but actual live action adventures starring Spider-Man and the gang. I could envision this to the point that, at this young and tender age, I delighted and regaled family and friends with my own Marvel superhero movie plot and story ideas, just ripe for Hollywood. I think I might have talked just a little too much to a few too many people. Unfortunately,if that is the case, I have yet to receive a dime for all the hard work that went into my pre-pubescent imagination, and I doubt I ever will.

Okay, moving right along-


  1. There are potential upsides and downsides to this.
    When it comes to toys & lunchboxes & stuff, Marvel tends to go cheap & lame. Disney is a lot better. Disney is anal as hell about their characters while Marvel characters tend to evolve and writers tend to experiment (with varying degrees of success).
    Disney is better at distribution.
    Super Heroes are better animated & Disney might do this whereas Marvel is too cheap.
    TV would be ok. For live action on the limited budget, there aren't a lot of characters who would work. Maybe Daredevil, Nick Fury & SHIELD, Black Widow, The Punisher...
    Then again, Wolverine & the Hulk on Ice could get kinda weird.

  2. Or they could get real weird and do "Marvel Superhero Zombies".
