Saturday, August 29, 2009

Keep On Smiling

Today was originally slated to be the day Michael Jackson was to be buried, but Katharine Jackson, in keeping with the tenets of her faith as a Jehovah Witnesses, decided not to bury Michael on August 29, which happened to be his birthday, because-get ready for it-

Jehovah's Witnesses do not celebrate birthdays.

Maybe Mrs. Jackson, or whoever the jackass is she has as a spokesperson, might like to rephrase that as "Jehovah's Witnesses do not RECOGNIZE birthdays". On the other hand, Michael did leave his mom pretty much set up for life, soooo, moving right along-

Michael's funeral will be "celebrated" on September 3rd, while today was reserved instead solely for the nationwide bi-partisan celebration of the funeral of Senator Edward Kennedy.

Which may be proof positive that, whether you are a Christian, a Jehovah's Witness, a Pagan, or of some other faith, the gods just do not put more bullshit off on humanity at any one time than humanity can possibly bear.


  1. I don't like Kennedy, but I wouldn't because some would see it as tacky and mean spirited.

    I was less than thrilled with your openly racist comment on my blog, about blacks going back to Africa. I'm keeping it up on my blog, to strengthen my argument.

    There is a blog that Beakerkin visits daily. Take that talk there. They call Beak a socialist there.

  2. Ren-

    What the fuck are you doing? You're ate up. If you really think that's what I said, you have a serious reading comprehension problem. I won't defend myself on my own blog over something I said on another blog, and I damned sure won't defend myself over something I never said at all.

    Now if you want to discuss this, go back to the comment, copy it, then bring it back over here and paste it in these comments in its entirety. Then, if you still have a problem getting what I was saying, I'll spell it out for you in plain, simple, easy to understand language that a five year old can get.

    The problem with your blogs comments isn't me, or FJ, or Sentinel. It isn't even Daniel, who I enjoy sparring with. It's that fucking little cunt Gert. He was the one my comment was directed at, though if there are others to whom it might apply, then like Michael Jackson said "it don't matter if you're black or white". An asshole is an asshole.

    And what the hell is this shit between you and Beakerkin? Do you two guys have the hots for each other and are trying to engage in denial? God damn, get a room and work it out. Whatever "it" is.

    How many times have I defended you from Beak's attacks when I thought they were unwarranted?

    Now here you are, literally following him over to Bad Eagle, of all places. I won't even link that site, not because its racist, but because its fucking boring as hell.

    As for Kennedy, give me a fucking break. Tacky and mean spirited? I'm not telling you what you should post about him or how, but did you ever watch that piece of shit on televised sessions of the Senate Judiciary Committee on C-Span where he questioned judicial appointees?

    That motherfucker wrote the book on mean-spirited and tacky. I sure as hell ain't going to worry about how my thoughts on him are perceived by the throngs of Kennedy cultists.

    That guy is probably in reality one of the most hated men in America. The people now in politics pretending to admire him so much probably disliked him as much as anybody. What you are hearing now is political Newspeak. He had a lot of clout and power, and they had to get along with him. That was the extent of their so-called new found love for the guy, in my opinion.

    Yeah, Republicans loved him all right. Yeah, they'e sad he's gone. They loved him and they're sad he's gone because now they've lost one of their biggest sources of negative fund raising. If they're crying over Kennedy, that's the reason for the tears. About 200 million dollars a year in Republican campaign contributions just died and went to hell.

    The fact that the media is portraying him as this great, kindly man of integrity and champion of the "little guy" shows just how out of touch they are with such a large segment of the American people.

    You know, the American people. That would be the ones that pretty much made up their minds many years ago there would never be a President Edward Kennedy. That by the way is only partially because of Chappaquiddick, which is in fact, if the truth were known, probably incidental as to why this guy was doomed to stay a Senate hack for the rest of his life.
