Tuesday, August 11, 2009

The WHole Thing Just Makes Me Sick

I think both sides of the health care reform debate need to tone it down a notch or two, not that either side wants or cares for my opinion. Frankly, I almost don't care anymore. Whatever happens, happens. What I do know is, if the Republicans, however right they think they are, or actually might be, succeed in driving away in disgust a large portion of the independent voters that they cannot prevail without, they will have no one to blame but themselves.

Having said that, I have to ask, where were the fucking Democrats and others on the left when Anne Coulter was being hit in the face with pies, and when Congressman Tom Tancredo had to cancel a scheduled speaking appearance at a North Carolina University. In fact, he had to flee for his life from an onslaught of liberal student protesters who refused to allow him to speak to the students who had invited him to appear at the campus.

Where were Democrats and their objections and calls for calm and civility when leftist protesters all over college campuses were disrupting speaking appearances by other conservatives?

By the same token, where was all this love for conservative, small government principles when the Republican Party controlled the White House and both houses of Congress for four years, up until the 2006 mid-terms? It seems the only time their alleged devotion to those principles apply in reality is when there is a Democratic President in the White House. Strangely, once a Republican took over residence at Pennsylvania Avenue, they showed what some with not a little merit might proclaim to be their true colors.

I never considered myself a conservative. The term just doesn't always apply to me. I used to consider myself a liberal, but the term meant something far different than what it has come to mean over the years. I have come to the point now where I have a hard time recognizing a common humanity with most of those who now call themselves liberal, or "progressive".

I have taken now to calling myself a Federalist, and I think that term fits me in a bunch of different ways. An old party, that really wasn't a party at all, and has now ceased to exist save in the history books. Maybe that's where my views belong and should be viewed, as a political anachronism.

One thing I do know. Neither Republicans nor Democrats have the best interests of the American people in mind, and they sure as hell don't care anything about the constitution. They just care about holding on to power and are willing to bribe their constituents in whatever way possible to do that. Whether the Republicans take power in 2010, or whether they don't, I don't know. What is obvious is that, either way, not one god damned motherfucking thing is going to change, in any real way, certainly not in the long term.


  1. I read in Counterpunch, an article calling for the left to join the right to stop the sold out health reform. First of all, the real left has nothing in common with the rightists. That approach is throwing the baby out, with the bathwater.

    I listened to right talk radio last night. They all had the same talking points. They also got caught up with Nazi analogies.

    I wouldn't gain anything disrupting a Republican. The loss of healthcare, will be the fault of Democrats. Obama never allowed UHC to be on the table.

  2. Oh there'll be something done, for the simple fact too many people are wanting something done. It just won't be what everybody wants. How the hell could it? It also won't be as bad as opponents fear it will be. That wouldn't be possible either. It probably won't be good, by any means, but by the same token, it can't be any worse than what it is now unless you're making like well over sixty thousand dollars a year.

    I don't, so I know for a fact the system has grave problems, so I'm not about to let myself get caught up in a lot of bullshit about death panels. Republicans are really fucking up a chance here to make some inroads, and I don't think they give a damn. They're not making any contributions towards moderating or modifying this thing, they're just trying to shout everybody down and throw shit at the fan and into the fire to see how big a stink they can make and how far they can spread it.

    I think I need to repost an article I posted earlier about this during the Lughnasadh Sabbat. It got buried way down in the mix of posts I did on that day and probably most people that come here didn't scroll down that far. I think I'll get on that here soon.

  3. I think by far, the most blame for poor/lacking healthcare, compared to other countries, goes to Dems. The Republicans are playing their role so well, the insurance companies don't even pay them. The Dems are obstructing, and they are in power.

    See District 9.

  4. I would have to agree with you, for no other reason than the Democrats interference and antics are the chief reason prices are so high and the system is so near the point of collapse to begin with.
