Sunday, August 09, 2009

The Manson Family-A Rock Opera

Hey, Happy Anniversary there, Tate-LaBianca murders!

We're right now at the anniversary of that storied time forty years ago when you caused the deaths of Steven Parent, Sharon Tate, Jay Sebring, Abigail Folger, and Voytek Frikowski in a bloody display of brutal violence that can only be described as horrific. You shocked our sensibilities to the point that you changed life in America forever. Up until that point, most people went to bed with their doors unlocked-even in California. No more of that. You came along and pummeled our innocent naiveties until we were numb from the shock. But you were not content with that display of wanton savagery. You made our hearts shudder in fear and caused us to catch our collective breaths as we spun wildly and dizzily to the news of yet another set of murders, those of Leno and Rosemary LaBianca.

Since those halcyon days in the immediate week preceding Woodstock, your legacy has endured in numerous books, movies, televisions specials, interviews, and conspiracy theories. You have become a cottage industry in your own right, and as such the recognition heaped upon you is certainly well-merited. After all, you are a signpost of the sixties. As much as Woodstock which followed you signified the capacity for peace, love, and communion with mankind's natural harmonious desires and aspirations centered around a love of life, music, and the abandonment of societal repressions and pretension, you were the other side of the coin. You signified the unmitigated, cold and calculating evil that lay in wait to corrupt the innocent and open the gates that released the demons of hatred, fear, and rage.

Now, devoted Manson disciple Lynette "Squeaky" Fromme, imprisoned since her attempted though bungled assassination attempt on the life of then President Gerald Ford in 1975, will soon be paroled from the prison in which she is held, a prison which specializes in the treatment of those hard-core convicts with mental and emotional problems. There is no word as yet on what she plans to do-or where she plans to go-upon her release.

In the meantime, rumors are circulating to the effect that Charles Manson himself wishes to have a face-to-face meeting with fellow inmate Phil Spector, who incidentally famously recorded two songs-Across The Universe and The Long And Winding Road-for the Beatles final released album, Let It Be. Given Manson's reputed fascination with the Beatles and their songs-especially of course the allegedly hidden meanings of their lyrics-one can only wonder as to the potential of such a meeting of the minds.

Almost forgot-hiya Mary. And-just to make sure this post gets at least one hit a day from now until the end of time-heya, Ouisch.


  1. The Weather Underground supported The Manson Family. Their slogan was Free The Sharon Tate 8.

  2. I know, they liked them not because they thought they were innocent and falsely accused. They loved them precisely because they seemed obviously guilty. They thought that was groovy, man.
