Monday, October 29, 2007

Samhain-Death Greets The Warlord

Time to let it all die the death it deserves. Samhain is after all the time of the year for letting go of all those things that should end. The current on-going feud between the followers of AJ Drew and the supporters of Gavin and Yvonne Frost is one such example.

No, of course, I know this will not be the end of it. It will just be the end of it for me. It is not my battle. I said my piece and made my contribution to the debate, because it is of importance to the Wiccan/Pagan community. Now, let it go where it will, it will go there without me.

To be sure, I will continue to read the Frosts blog, and I will continue to comment on those posts where I feel I might have some positive input. As for the rest of it-this witch war is over.

The main reason I have come to this conclusion is mainly one to do with time and energy, both better spent on pursuits that are more positive. The negative energy that encompasses me these days saturates me with a force that drains my psyche, and actually tends to put me in a depressed state of mind, after the heat of the battle has calmed.

This calls for some explanation, perhaps. There are no victories won in these kinds of conflicts. There are only wounds that refuse to heal, that fester and swell, until eventually the infection becomes as much of a threat to ones spiritual life and emotional health, as any infectious disease can be threatening to life itself.

Healthy debate is good, but this is not healthy. Therefore, I put my sword back in the scabbard, and go off to heal my wounds. There will be other fights, I am sure, and other foes will raise their ugly heads. Those are the easy ones. The hard ones are the ones that present a pretty face, and an attractive figure. Those are the foes one has to watch, as in the end, they have the power to maneuver you into positions and predicaments in which you do not want to be.

In the end, I have learned from attuning with Ares one very important fact. The deadliest enemy you will ever face is the one that looks at you from the mirror every day. After all, he knows all your secrets, and all your weaknesses, as well as your strengths. It is far, far better to make him your friend, as he may well be the only true friend you ever have in this mortal world.

At least, he is the only who will be with you from the beginning until the end.

1 comment:

  1. Well written and well thought out. Thank you.
