Sunday, October 28, 2007

AJ Drew Molests Gavin And Yvonne Frost In Effigy

There is a growing trend among many pagans, even among some Wiccans, to discount the legitimacy of The Law Of Three. A lot of this you might well put down to self-serving attitudes. The Law of Three, basically, states pretty much the same thing as is implied in the Golden Rule, and in the Laws of Karma. When you do something bad, it eventually comes back to bite you on the ass. Another way of stating it might well be that old familiar, “what goes around comes around”.

What was that Malcolm X said in relation to the Kennedy assassination-something about chickens coming home to roost?

It is actually a standard, universal belief, and when you get right down to it, it does not really have anything to do with metaphysics or the occult. It is nothing more than an inherent law of nature. No busybody group of deities invented or created it in an effort to make sure we all mind our “p’s and q’s”. Nope, I am afraid the process is a bit more scientific than that.

More than that, I will not say. There is only so much I will explain free, and this is not one of them. I will say this, however. Well, no, I won’t even say that. It is a reality, though. Oh, to be sure, we can haggle about the exactness inferred in the mention of the number three. That might well be a bit simplistic, I will accede that much. Otherwise, the wisdom of such laws is no more arcane or mysterious than knowing not to stick your hand on a red-hot stove burner.

AJ Drew, the former pagan author, has done a bit more than stick his hand in a blazing fire, and he has induced a good many other individuals to follow him on his ill-advised path. True to is word, AJ Drew at this year’s Real Witches Ball led and participated in a so-called “sacrifice to caring”, the promise of which induced many invited luminaries to the RWB to back out of their previous commitments to do so.

Among those who backed out were Llewellyn author and Fate magazine contributor Donald Michael Craig, as well as author and Stregheria witchcraft expert Raven Grimassi. These are just the ones I can think of right off the top of my head. There were others who took exception to what was widely proclaimed would be a sacrifice in effigy of Gavin and Yvonne Frost.

Drew was quick to defend his planned activities, and yet denied any plans to sacrifice the effigies, and he took particular exception to rumors the effigies would be burned.

I personally think he planned to do just that, and backed out, though I cannot prove this. However, it seems obvious this might well be the case, and that AJ Drew, being too proud and stubborn to back out, realized he had to come up with something. What he did, however, was so weak it borders on the pathetic, the juvenile, and the profane.

AJ Drew and his assorted allies, friends, and followers-


I would hope that any who might read this post would ponder that. AJ Drew planned this event as a protest to roughly three pages of a Frost book published thirty-five years ago. These passages of The Witches Bible were indeed controversial, theoretical, and yes, questionable. Sensing a way to gather publicity and perhaps followers, AJ Drew, the former pagan author, again, molested the Frosts in effigy, along with other RWB attendees.

At the same time, AJ Drew claims he is brain damaged. This is the reason he gives for why he no longer can write. Perhaps he is telling the truth, and those among us who think he is covering his ass in the event of a potential lawsuit for harassment, libel, and slander, are wrong. Perhaps he is indeed brain damaged, despite the fact that he evidently knows how to work in complicated computer codes as he does for PaganNations. He also can create various items made of metal, such as ritual swords and knives, and other things of which are purportedly of admirable artistic value. He is in fact, despite his alleged limitations due to brain damage, a master blacksmith and, it would appear, somewhat of an architect.

He is also not so brain damaged that he cannot comprehend the rabble-rousing effects of his words and accusations against not only the Frosts, but also those of us who defend them.

Now, I will be the first to admit, I do not know how much of the goings-on at the RWB were actually rituals of a magical or an allegedly spiritual nature, and how much of it was nothing more than a bunch of drunks with a bit too much mead raising hell. If the latter, it is probably nothing for them to concern themselves with.

If, on the other hand, this was an actual magical ritual, involving power-raising and visualization techniques in conjunction with group energy projected into this act, I would advise all involved to take the proper precautions to cleanse themselves and prepare for the blowback. It will not be pretty.

I want to say this one more time-


I am curious about something. I would like to ask AJ Drew if his wife Aimee participated in this molestation ritual. If so, I think I should give him clear warning.

Hate to break it to you, AJ, but when those chickens come home to roost, I do not think you are going to be sitting around fondling your crotch when it happens. I don’t think you are going to like what might well happen too much, and I certainly don’t believe you will consider it a laughing matter. Neither will Aimee. Neither will any of the other people who participated in this ritual.

Of course, I could be wrong, in some cases. Some of these people might just like it fine. Or, they might well think they will.


  1. Anonymous11:45 AM

    ....I see you have nothing better to do then try to publicly defame a well respected and good hearted man. Remember karma works outside of magick....if you do not have anything nice to say then do not say anything at all...negative thoughts and efforts will come back to you.

  2. Anonymous9:55 PM

    Well, you have to have the full story behind it. Yes, I am a fan of A.J Drew and since reading this post I searched for the reason why. A.J was denouncing the Frosts because in their book "The Witches Bible" it states that once a child reaches puberty the initiation ritual to the coven is through sex, while the rest of the coven watches. A.J Drew may have gone a little over board with the fondling of an effigy. He was basically saying child molestation is wrong even if the book was written in the 70's. So please next time you decide to write slander; do some research.

  3. Anonymous 1-

    "if you do not have anything nice to say then do not say anything at all."

    Do you seriously suggest that I not express my views, which I feel are every bit as legitimate as anything I have read from Drew?

    Don't say anything if you don't have anything nice to say? Why don't Drew follow that advice? Have you ever known of him having anything nice to say about anybody that has any kind of stature in the pagan community?

    The Frosts are not the only people he has slammed. He has publicly attacked anybody who doesn't agree with him. He has attacked Raymond Buckland also.

    But I shouldn't say anything unless I have something nice to say? Give me a break.

    Anonymous 2-

    I don't know whether you are the same pea-brain who wrote the first anonymous post, but I'll proceed as if you are somebody different.

    If you are a fan of Drew, I have no problem with that. I would imagine he is probably a talented writer. I wish he would actually engage that craft on a regular basis and make an actual contribution, instead of trying to make a name for himself by tearing down other people, and excusing his lack of actually writing something worthwhile as an aspect of some alleged bit of brain damage that somehow doesn't prevent him from blogging, creating computer code for his website, rabble-rousing, working as a smith whereby he creates items that require some appreciable amount of skill, and engaging in architectural endeavors.

    Somehow his alleged brain damage doesn't stand in the way of any of these pursuits, yet he can't seem to write a book. I find that incomprehensible.

    Saying child molestation is wrong is like saying murder, rape, and stealing is wrong. Anybody can say that. Is that supposed to be some kind of news flash?

    Here, I got one for you. It's cruel to make fun of fat, ugly, retarded kids with autism or Downs Syndrome, especially to their faces. Wow, maybe I should write a book explaining that one. Reckon I would attract a following? What blithering nonsense.

    Here's another one folks might not know. You shouldn't get dog drunk and drive your car one hundred twenty miles an hour on the wrong side of the freeway. Man, I better cut this shot, I think I might be headed for a Nobel with that one. I better hurry though before someone beats me to it.

    I read over this post before I responded to this, and I am having a hard time finding where I engaged in "slander".

    In case you weren't aware, slander is lying about somebody. Where exactly have I engaged in a lie? What lie did I tell about AJ Drew, or about anybody?

    I reported this exactly as I heard it, in many cases from Drew himself, and if I wasn't sure about something, I pointed that out.

    In case you are also not aware, slander is not defined as criticizing someone you disagree with, or whom someone else might agree with, anymore than defending someones rights of free speech means you agree with every word they say.

    Go back to witchcraft/paganism 101.

  4. Anonymous1:17 AM

    Have you ever had a conversation with AJ? Do you know him? Does he talk to you about his day to day life? Have you had a real personal conversation with him outside of witchcraft/paganism? I have, and I do. He does indeed have brain damage, not that he should have to justify it to you. Some days he cant remember what you told him the day before, actually most days, so he writes it down. His wife Aimee sometimes needs to explain things to him so he understands because he gets easily confused. Your ramblings about him alledgedly having brain damage are uncalled for. When the Frosts were asked if they ever did those things to children that they discribed in their book they said "No", but when asked if they were ever present during such actions they refused to answer. They didnt want to incriminate themselves because they knew they would go to jail. The Frosts endorse child molestation and statutory rape. They are sick sick folks. The Frosts will burn in their lies and for their torture of children. I cant wait for that day to come.

  5. Here we go again with more off-the-wall bullshit that is so far beyond belief I wonder why I even bother. Here I am, a person who naturally questions everything, being called to account by some anonymous jerkwad who evidently questions nothing. Amazing.

    So here is a man who works in complex computer code for the website he founded, who crafts and creates swords and other items of ritual use as a skilled blacksmith and which he sells at public events, and who has even engaged in architectural pursuits by designing a building on a small farm, yet claims he is so brain damaged he can no longer write a book. Yet, I am to be faulted for questioning the inherent contradiction of all this.

    Yet, here is one of Drew's mindless drones who accepts without question that Gavin and Yvonne Frost engage in child abuse, just on the word of a man who said anonymous person insists is brain damaged.


  6. Anonymous10:55 PM

    in all honesty, AJ is a good man. He has been there for me on more than one occsion. He and his wife as well. Far be it for me to say that Im a drone of his....But I have known him for many years and he has shown me the reference to the child molestation he spoke of in the FRosts' book. As an Asatruar, its absolutely fucking sickening. The Frosts should be hung and castrated for that shit.


  8. I have an even better question. Who gives a motherfucking shit?


  10. That's exactly what it is, a vanity page, and if you don't like, don't read it.

  11. Panfan11:32 AM

    I will quite probably be slammed by the Drew crowd as well, but in all honesty I don't truly care.

    While I don't agree with the passage that Gavin and Yvonne wrote in their version of witchcraft, I also can not agree with Drew's obvious attempts to climb glory on the backs of the elders who came before him.

    Like him, or not, the man is an egotist supreme who's actions take on more of the flavor of Christianity, or a cult leader, than they do a Wiccan.

    His "I'm right, and everyone who disagrees with my theories is wrong!" attitude should speak volumes to any pagan, witch, or occultist who should be more capable of thinking for themselves.

    All of this "Shame on you for talking about Drew." bashing sounds more to me like the bleating of "sheeple", than the well thought out opinions of knowledgeable pagans.

  12. I,m sorry but Reading this makes me think something is wrong with you people , you are suppose to learn and except other ways of thinking not bash the hell out of them, if you don't like the frost thats fine don't read any of there stuff ,or anyone else' s but don't try to go holier then thou and tell other people who to like or not or who to read some of us have enough sense to pick and choose what to use or not use . who the hell appointed you our leader if it had not been for the frost I would never have found witchcraft and I was a child and I don't remember reading anything like that. Once again making a ass out of yourself does not help in proving your point,.

  13. Anonymous3:23 AM

    A.J. Drew acts like a cross between a christian businessman,and a moonie.
    His flagrant disregard for freedom of speech is legendary,as is his over-the-top egocentric forays of blatant manipulations of people who look up to him.And then there is his holier-than-thou,on the pulpit rants,
    kicking you from his site if you disagree with him.He is by no means a pagan,but is rather a tiny minded,dangerous sociopath who has no business in the business of spirituality.And for all you who disagree,you are the worst sheep.As for the bad things that are supposed to come my way from this,bring it on.I'm protected.For the bad things coming AJ's way,he has none whatsoever.

  14. Anonymous3:35 AM

    Former Pagan author AJ Drew has apparently converted to Catholicism, and is in the midst of an ugly custody battle with his wife, who he is accusing of ongoing domestic (and possibly sexual) abuse. Here’s the relevant quote concerning his current religious status.

    “I think it is fairly clear that religious discrimination can be added to sexual discrimination. In court, as if this were the 16th century, I have been accused of being a Witch. This either because several years ago I wrote some New Age titles or because today I am a practicing Catholic. I can not be sure why they are so concerned with my religious preferences, but the supervisor demanded that I tell her my religious preferences in court while she was testifying against my sanity. It was as if she felt all Catholics or members of other religions to which she does not subscribe are insane.”

    As to the issues of abuse, and the custody of his children, I have no idea what the situation truly is. Nor do I feel inclined to venture a guess. Custody cases, especially ones where abuse is alleged, can be quagmires of competing narratives and claims, the results often pleasing no-one.

  15. Anonymous12:10 AM

    I was reading through this as I am a curious person. I am Jewish (Nazarene) (not christian) but have been christian at one time. My husband has dabbled in everything from Satanism to Judaism. I want to say that to anyone who actually "believes" in the "Bible" that any girl who reaches puberty is then considered a woman and able to marry. That is what it says. It may not be done today, (which shows the hypocrisy of religion) but it is what the "writer" of the "Bible" said. I know not everyone who wrote here believes in the Bible, but to those of you who do believe; there it is. Do you just pick and choose the parts you agree with?

    I just wanted to say that it is NOT child molestation considering the girl in question has started her menstruation. The above is the reason that I believe that. I don't allow the "government" to dictate to me what is right or wrong.

  16. Anonymous5:01 PM

    This kinda of bullshit is ridiculous, you have no clue about this man or what hes been through. I used to live with Aj and he is a fine and caring man. He has many strange ways of proving points, or explaining things. But he would never harm a soul. For your your info he does have some mental problems now due to a unfortunate accident. Wich buy now has explained its self out because the shop, and sight are no longer open due to this fact. Grow up and do research before you slander people, hell if i was him id sue you just for that reason. He is a Author and you are trying to ruin his name.


  17. Anonymous5:24 AM

    So what part of this entire slander page falls under "Harm none"?

    I am currently reading his "A Wiccan Bible" and while I don't agree with all his conclusions, I find his analytical outlook at the mechanics of the why/what/where of Wiccan rituals and his willingness to question Wiccan philosophies highly admirable and I respect him for that.

    I have no idea who you are(nor do I care because you clearly are no one of importance) but just by reading this disgusting display of drama-mongering by someone claiming a moral high ground despicable. You don't even handle yourself in mature way just because someone disagrees with you. You act like a foul-mouthed, caddy, myspace drama queen and there's no room in the Pagan community for posers like you. I've had run-ins with people like you in the past and I DO NOT tolerate the lies and peer-pressure based manipulation your kind thrives on.

    You repeat constantly that he "molested" an effigy, which has been revealed by many other posters here that it was a shock-and-awe protest against two people he considers to be using Wicca to sexually abuse people. Big Deal! He touched a couple statues private parts as part of a public protest. This is the worst you've got on him? The fact you keep dropping the word "molested" shows just how hard you're trying. Face it, you clearly don't have anything on this author that's note worthy. You claim multiple times that he's been sued for libel and copyright infringement. There's an old saying "Post links or it didn't happen." and that's just what applies here. You provide no sources for any of your claims. Until then you're just a "hater" making up lies and drama. Do the Pagan community and yourself a favor and take this page down... or at least change your username so that it doesn't use the words "Pagan" or "Temple", because you defame these terms with how you are acting.
