Monday, June 20, 2005

Summer Solstice

Tomorrow is the summer solstice, which of course is more than just the first day of summer, it is a Pagan High Holy Day. I'm, a solitary, of course, so I will have to do without the camaraderie that accompanies group events, but the idea is still there. Yep, the old sun god will be riding high, at the full force of his power, and the goddess will be-well, she'll do the goddess thing. Funny how with the advent of Christianity, the significance of the seasonal holidays were all but lost. But it is easy to see how ancient peoples would have been inspired by the recurring seasons, the return of the sun on a periodic basis, the phases of the moon, all those environmental and astronomical aspects that go largely unnoticed by non-Pagans.

It's fun being a pagan. You can smoke, drink, watch porn, jack off, or fuck all day, and it's not just all right, it's sacred. Provided you do it responsibly, of course. And, if somebody smacks you up the side of the head, you can knock his fucking teeth down his throat, and it's all right to feel good about it afterwards. Of course, none of this is what Paganism is all about. Paganism is all about the revering of nature, of the worship of nature and all the earth, of seeing the world, nature, and all of life as aspects of the divine. And of seeing the balance and harmony of nature as exemplified by the duality of the deities, the Goddess as well as the God. It is respect for the earth and nature, and all living creatures, yet not in a maudlin sort of way. It is a religion of practicality. Humans are, after all, at the top of the food chain, and I like a big juicy steak as much as the next guy. So to slaughter an animal for food, as long as that is the reason, and as long as you do it humanely, is fine.

It is about respect for the rule of law, yet it is about seeking positive change, be it politically, socially, or with ritual and magic. And it is about respecting all points of view, yet demanding the same consideration for yourself.

I can't wait for tomorrow. Hell, I can't wait for tonight. It's going to be a long, hopefully eventful, fruitful day. As such, it might be another day or two before this Blog is updated. But when I return to it, hopefully it will be with a fresh batch of inspiration, as well as a healthy dose of good old bull shit, just to round things out. Remember, it's all about balance.


  1. Anonymous7:05 PM

    It's like a satire ... except I doubt that you are writing this with any of the necessary irony.

    Thanks for the spam directing me to the worst blog I have ever read.

  2. Damn straight. And from here on out, it only gets worse.
