Saturday, June 18, 2005

George Bush To Go On Drunken Binge, Might Have Affair

The following Tarot Reading is for George W. Bush. The thing about this reading is, I did it with no one in particular in mind. I just said to myself, now what is going to be news worthy here in the near future that is just now bubbling beneath the surface. The following is what I came up with.

The TEN OF CUPS is the SIGNIFICATOR, and speaks of a feeling of permanent attachment, which could describe Bush and his feelings in several ways, toward the nation, his wife and family, his moral and religious principles, etc. However, the COVERING CARD is the SIX OF SWORDS, which means that Bush is now on a hard but necessary journey in this present time of his life as regards to his feelings. Ostensibly, it is a challenge he knows he must face head on, and he is willing to do so. However, his CROSSING CARD is THE FOOL, which indicates a tendency to rush into making snap judgements and rash decisions. His CROWNING CARD is THE DEVIL, which might indicate here a sudden reversal of his prior life style changes, and a jump into binge drinking. This is something I have been expecting to occur for some time now, actually, as Bush has always seemed like a ticking time bomb to me. This might have all ready occurred, the thing of it is, Bush may not be an alcoholic in the way most people define the term. If he hasn't done so yet, this almost certainly implies he will shortly, and in addition, this might lead to a sexual liason, or vice versa. At THE BASE OF THE MATTER, we have the card of THE EMPEROR, which describes the forces at work below the surface of conscious awareness. In other words, this might be Bush's own stubbornness and arrogance getting the better of him. In other words, basically he will fall to this level of behavior just because he can (shades of Clinton), and Bush, maybe as much or more than anybody, is used to getting his way. A part of him wants this, and as a compensation for his recent failings and shortcomings, it is all the more powerful an inner drive. At the position of PASSING INFLENCES, we find the card of SIX OF PENTACLES, which means that e is feeling a slipping away of prior support, and this is or will be reflected in terms of a decrease in financial contributions to Republican and conservative causes. In UP-AND-COMING INFLUENCES we see the card of the EIGHT OF CUPS, meaning that Bush is going to feel more and more alone as the days progress, and will all but give up insofar as accomplishing certain items on his agenda. Suddenly, we jump to a period of about two months from now, where we find the card of THE MAGICIAN in the position of WHERE YOU FIND YOURSELF, indicating that Bush will suddenly reach out to the American people in more effective ways than previously has been the case. It is quite possible that he will give the best speech of his life during this period, and will make an emotional connection to the public in ways unseen since the days immediately following 9/11. The untold story, behind the scenes, could very well be that he is speaking and acting under the influence of alcohol during these times. But it won't be the tough guys, cowboy avenger that is speaking, but a more feminine aspect of his personality, and he will seem at first glance very appealing and likable. His poll numbers might well shoot up to the high fifties or even the sixties. This is all foretold in the card of KING OF CUPS in the position of VIEW OF OTHERS, which rules how others see you based on the way in which you see and project yourself. The card for the position of HOPES AND FEARS here is seen as the ACE OF PENTACLES, which might best be described as Bush seeking to capitalize on his newly regained popularity, and turn it into yet new capital with which to recapture the momentum toward accomplishing items on his agenda, and setting the stage toward a Republican victory in '06. However, disaster will loom in the form of the FIVE OF CUPS in the position of FINAL OUTCOME, which might suggest a betrayal of Bush by someone close to him. Whether this is his wife, or someone close to him in is administration, or the discovery of some form of shenanigans it is hard to say. But suffice it to say that it could very well, and probably will, drive a wedge between Bush and his supporters, and a rupture that will be hard pressed, if not impossible, to be healed.


  1. Anonymous6:14 PM

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  2. Yeah, I intend to keep up the good work, and if you want to put a fucking ad on it, your ass is going to have to pay me a thousand dollars a month-and that's one whole year in advance. No refunds.
