Friday, February 10, 2012

Still Waiting (In Vain) For The Catholic Church To Call For The Repeal Of Obamacare (Not Just The Parts They Don't Like)

Archbishop Timothy Dolan is grabbing the olive branch the Obama administration extended on birth control, saying he’s happy to offer the feds a “graceful exit” from the election-year uproar.

Yeah, I bet he's just as pleased as punch. So when is the motherfucker going to stand up for my rights to not be burdened with all the myriad mandates of ObamaCare, and the consequences thereof?

Oh, that's right, he's not likely to do that, because, well the son-of-a-bitch is to a great extent responsible for the passage of Obamacare. He lent his support behind Obamacare, helped to get it passed, him and a good many others amongst the vaunted Catholic leadership.

But hey, he doesn't have to worry. He's on his way to a cushy appointment at the College of Cardinals, while the rest of us schmucks, including his fellow American Catholic parishioners, are left to pay the price of his advocacy. 

So, what do you think are the chances that Archbishop, soon-to-be Cardinal Dolan will come out in favor of the repeal of all of Obamacare? What do you think are the chances him and all the other Catholic leadership will repent of their sins, and decide maybe they should respect our rights to not have this terrible, oppressive law forced down our throats?

Yeah, me too. 

That's why I say, keep the mandates in place. If I'm getting screwed, Dolan and his crew needs to get good and fucked as well. It's only right. He and they wanted the fucking law. I damn sure didn't. I fought it. He supported it. But THEY get  do-over?

And come to think of it, there are valid health reasons to offer contraceptive coverage. After all, what if some poor beleaguered worker in some Catholic charity comes down with a nasty case of endometriosis? Wouldn't it be, well, sinful to deny her treatment for such a painful, debilitating disease, which happens to be treated by-you guessed it-birth control pills? Hell, don't stop there, make them fund abortion coverage as well. Why should the rest of us have to live with the consequence of the Chruch's action while they fucking skate.

Of course, the good Cardinal and his crew might want to consider another way out of this hole they've dug for themselves. Catholic charities could, simply, stop taking federal money. Yeah, how likely is that? But hey, there's an old saying that applies to this, something about lying down with dogs. Maybe sleeping with the devil would be more appropriate. And by the way, do you know who agrees with me on this? Rick Santorum, that's who. 

While siding with the bishops’ recent opposition to President Obama’s imposition of abortion upon Catholic hospitals, Santorum nevertheless stated bluntly that the Church “had it coming.”

(And this is not a new shtick on Santorum’s part:  He is a long-time critic, for example, of the government-funded, secularized Catholic Charities USA.)

Indeed, Dolan and all the other Catholic leaders might want to consider that, when it comes to the federal government, and especially the likes of Barak Hussein Obama, trusting people like this to take care of your needs, and keeping their promises, might be a whole lot like adopting a rescue panther.