
Earlier this month, here, I related how a group of international Global Climate Change Proponents had gathered in Cancun to try to hash out an agreement to tackle the growing problem (of growing disbelief in their bullshit scam). Someone there opened one of their meetings with an invocation to the Mayan Jaquar goddess, Lxchel, pictured below.

I later ran across a post on Belchspeak that went into some detail about this ancient Mayan cult. If you are at all familiar with the old Meso-American culture of the Mayans, you will not be at all surprised to learn that the nature of its rituals are as blood-curdling and terrible as the jaguar itself.
They sacrificed a young maiden ever year, but cutting out her still beating heart.
It doesn't get much worse than that ordinarily, but this cult managed to turn an already murderous ritual into one that is as macabre as anything you will see in any horror movie.
After her death, the priests proceeded to flay her. In other words, they took her skin completely off of her. So what did they do with it?
The Chief Priest dressed himself in the dead sacrificed girl's skin. Yes, you read that right. But that's not all. It manages to get worse. While wearing the dead girl's skin, he would sit around in a darkened room-sewing. While he engaged in this act, probably for hours upon hours into the night, the other priests would stand around the room. Dancing, singing, chanting, praying, playing instruments. I don't know why. Possibly to scare off some perceived demonic spirit by disguising himself as the goddess Lxchal. Or possibly thinking to trick Lxchal herself into providing some hoped for blessing that only she could supposedly grant, by pretending he was the girl who had earlier been sanctified to her. Ancient people's, while imbued with an unhealthy terror of the power of their gods, and even their wisdom, conversely had a naive and perhaps a childlike tendency to underestimate their general intelligence, which would seem contradictory. But remember, these people had a rudimentary knowledge at best of the natural world.
People will argue this point unnecessarily, but the American Indian, including Meso-Americans, are all descended from hunter-gatherer tribes that came over from Asia at a formative time in human development.
The discovery of fire and its uses were wide-spread. Certain tools had been invented, notably the bow and arrow, and had likewise spread far and wide. The rudimentary knowledge of agriculture had taken root, though was not greatly developed. One thing that hadn't happened before they came over her-or at least it hadn't been widely disseminated-was the invention of the wheel.
People argue this point, again, pointing out that the wheel would have been impractical, but while that might be true with wide areas of Meso-America, the lack of the wheel is also notable throughout the Americas, including the tribes of North America, even in the Great Plains and Southwest and Pacific coastal areas, and other such places where the use of the wheel would have proven a great boon.
The wheel? These people didn't even know how to ride a horse. That's something they learned from us, albeit very quickly and well.
The point to all this isn't that they were inferior. It is that they were simply stuck at a stage of social development they were in at the time they come here due to lack of outside contact. Their discovery by Europeans were in a sense a very real window into a world of utter savagery and barbarism, with only the rudimentary promises of a flourishing civilization. Advanced in some regards, to be sure, but in other respects, harsh and unrelenting in its callous disregard for basic human decency towards its weakest, and even its most average members.
This is the world discovered by Christopher Columbus. A world where the young boys of one tribe were captured by the warriors of a dominant tribe, raised in cages, castrated, fattened, and eaten. It was not a world of noble innocence and attunement with the divine aspects of nature. It was a world of wanton violence, capricious bloodshed, and superstitious fear of a natural world that more often than not portrayed a demonic aspect.
This is the world the most rabid pro-environmentalists want to bring us back to. Not them, of course, just the masses. These are people that hate technology, at least on an industrial, world-wide level. When Arnold Schwarzenegger in his capacity of governor of California made ready to approve a massive solar energy plant in the desert of California, these are the people who, far from voicing approval of the project as one would ordinarily expect they would, voiced strenuous objection to it, adamantly opposed going ahead with the project, for the sake of a few hundred salamanders which might be adversely impacted.
They are against anything that will truly advance mankind in a positive direction, because they are in fact against any and all progress. Their hopes for what they see as an ideal world does not include mass travel and communication, or a strong and bustling market economy on a national or international level. There are no room for modern conveniences or comforts. They see that as mankind taking unnecessarily from the earth at the expense of other creatures, all of whom have the same rights as any human being.
I consider myself a friend to the environment, and a believer in animal rights and welfare. But there is right, and there is reason. And then there is modern environmentalism. I recall once a debate on CNN between a conservative pundit and the then head of PETA, whose name I don't recall right now, nor do I see the need to look it up. The gist of the debate that I saw involved the right of rats to not die painful deaths at the hands of humans. Somewhere in the debate the conservative asked the PETA head if he believed humans had the right to kill head lice. Unbelievably, the PETA guy never answered the question.
He. Never. Answered. The Question!
These people don't even know what they're doing half the time. At one point, members of the radical animal rights group ALF released a large number of minks slated to be killed for their fur. Minks, if left unchecked, breed in numbers that are comparable to rats or rabbits. You can kill and skin a thousand a day and probably barely make a dent in the population. Yet they let these things loose, and they went around killing people's pet cats, and small dogs.
And of course I've already written numerous times about the time a man in Kentucky killed a bear which tried to break into his own house, and was charged with a crime. I have still never heard how that case turned out. The news media in Kentucky ceased covering the story, and good luck getting anybody to comment on it to this day. In return for protecting his own home, and his pet dog which was in the house, the poor schmuck may as far as I know be in some insane environmentalist Kentucky Democrat version of a forced labor/re-education camp.
Yet, these people still have an inordinate power and influence on world politics, especially and most ironically within the advanced nations of the world, and even more especially they exercise that influence through the more so-called "progressive" parties, including but not limited to the Democrats here in the US. Nor is their influence limited solely to progressives. Even some Republicans have fallen prey to their subterfuge and propaganda. That's one reason we call them RINOs. Recall how John McCain, speaking in support of Cap And Trade during the 2008 campaign, remarked that "if we are wrong, the worse we will do is leave our children a cleaner world."
That is one major reason, though not the only one, that even Sarah Palin was unable in the end to drag his crusty old rotten ass over the finish line to victory. That is also precisely the reason why there might yet be a civil war for the heart and soul of the GOP. The rank and file Republican base rejects the ideology of Global Climate Change and its implied vision for the world, but there is no denying that the influence is there, and it is a considerable one. And it is all-pervasive, growing almost omnipresent in scope.
Leftist environmentalists want you to believe that the world of tens of thousands of years ago was a world of peace, love, and reverence for mother nature, and they want to extend to you a cordial invitation to join them in a return to those times. Otherwise, they will sooner or later simply drag you, and all of us, kicking and screaming back to those times. And I would remind you, just in case a casual perusal of the news of the day at any given place and time is insufficient as a reminder-we are not so advanced from the days of prehistory as we sometimes like to pretend we are. We still have a tendency towards violence and aggression. It is true that over the years we have learned better to repress our more violent urges and instincts, to some extent. This is partly through the better angels of our natures, yes, but those better angels have always been with us, side by side with our more ruthless personae. We have made great strides towards allowing our better selves to gradually become more predominant through, and perhaps chiefly because of, the technological advances we have made through the centuries that have made our lot easier to bear, as a culture and society.
Yet, the environmentalists of the modern era would gladly rip out the heart and soul of civilization and display it to their maddened, indoctrinated mass of fanatic followers, while they vainly attempt to cloak themselves in the mantle of something they are most assuredly not-friends and protectors of humanity, nature, and the earth.