Saturday, January 31, 2009

This Site Is NOT Harmful To Your Computer (I Hope)

And if it is it's not my fault, blame Blogger for that, because evidently, according to Google search results, not only might this site be "harmful to your computer" so is evidently any site on the internet that turns up on their search engine. This is a big problem. I for one found it impossible to proceed to any sites, despite being informed that I could at my own risk, for the simple fact that they failed to provide a working link by which to proceed. Good luck finding out what's going on. I don't feel like jumping through hoops over this bullshit, and most of their procedural instructions are incomprehensible to me. I just don't have the time for it.

Bye bye Google
Hello Yahoo

When you get right down to it the difference between Google and any other search engine is pretty fucking minimal once you get past all the Google add-ons which one, are in themselves pretty fucking useless and 2, you could probably find on myriads of other site engines, or a version thereof.

Try this experiment. Google a name of someone you know, someone that you know good and damn well is listed somewhere on the internet. Let's pick a fictitious name at random, like say, Christopher Billingley. Type name of your choice into a searh engine-any god damned one of them-and this will likely be your result.

CHRISTOPHER Jones; Myron Davis; Alicia Bell; David Hackworth; Sylvia BILLINGSLY; Marcus Young: Debra Sowder

Get it? This kind of crap will usually be in regards to a list in which all these names appear, and the fucking so-called advanced Google search results can't even differentiate between the name of one person with several different people who have just one of those names. If you're lucky, and you have the motherfucking time and patience, you might eventually find the person you are looking for if you wade through oh, say fifty-seven pages of results.

So what happens if you use quotation marks in your search query, like so-"Christopher Billingsly"? Nine times out of ten you'll get a page saying there are no search results. Bear in mind, this is for a query for a person you know good and damn well has been listed on the internet. How do I know this? Because I have done it and seen it all. That's not the least of it. I have found four or five separate people on the internet, only, in following up at a later time, to see their listings have vanished, almost as it they never ever existed.

I have always accepted this as an unfortunate aspect of a flawed technology and let it go, and when I see these dumb shits on the internet promoting how great Google is, I usually just laugh it off and shake my head in amazement. These are the kind of fuck heads that would be deliriously impressed by a motion detector in a towel dispenser at a public washroom. But when I read apologies for the kind of nonsense that's going on with Google today, I just can't take it anymore. It's time for people to get their heads out of their asses and off the bandwagon. No, Google is not rocket science, stop acting like it is, and don't you dare try to tell me that it's anywhere near that advanced. Rationalizing this fucking shit is like typing the letter "K" and getting the number "8" and making excuses for it.

The only conceivable explanation that absolves Google of some degree of blame in this mess is if it were to turn out that this is the result of a hacker who somehow sabotaged them.

I have an idea its more than likely the result of a policy that requires a bunch of geeks to always be doing something to justify their continued employment. Sooner or later that is always going to result in one kind of fuck up or another, and in this case, boy is this ever one hell of a fuck up.


Frank Partisan said...

The same thing happened to me once.

I would write to Google.

SecondComingOfBast said...

It wasn't just me Ren it was every single site on the first page of Google Search Results. I think the problem was on their end. I think it's settled now.