Before the announcement, just a few quick notes, what you might call random shit. I just got through defragmenting my discs, and man oh man what a fucking hassle. Hopefully it will be worth it because I don't want to have to go through that shit again in a hurry.
I've spent the last few days trying to get the bugs ironed out in my computer, and turned to Dell Support. They did a bunch of shit for me, but just when they were going to defragment my discs, the Microsoft program took that chore over.
I downloaded a bunch of other shit, most of which I fairly quickly decided I didn't want, didn't need, and had absolutely no use for. But, on the plus side, since I'm now on high speed internet-well, it's not the highest speed but it's at least about eight and a half times faster than what I had-I was finally able to download java, which was cool, and a few other things like flash players and the like.
Probably the coolest thing I've downloaded though is Open Office from Sun. It's a lot like Microsoft Word, only maybe better. One small inconvenience is there's nothing for deleting large passages, but that's no big deal, I guess you can use your keyboard for that.
The coolest thing about it is you can make your own PDF documents with it. I might be wrong here, but I don't think you can do that with Microsoft Word. Or if you can I sure missed it.
Finally, an announcement. Since I can now watch and listen to YouTube, and can download them onto the blog without them slowing me down, I have a very good one, a music video, that I plan to download as a Mabon Sabbat special. Mabon is of course a special day for many pagans, especially Wiccans, and takes place during the Autumn Equinox. It marks the beginning of the fall, when the days grow shorter and the nights longer. It marks one of the three harvest festivals, and heralds the approaching death of the god and his descent into the underworld at Samhain (Halloween), from which he will be reborn at Yule (Winter Solstice).
In the material "underworld", Australia and all countries south of the Equator, the coming day of the Autumn Equinox actually marks for them the Vernal Equinox, called Ostara-the first day of spring. At any rate, the music video that I have chosen to post in celebration of this day could easily fit in with either of the two Sabbats.
I won't say what it is right now, but I'll give you a hint. It is in my opinion one of the greatest rock songs ever recorded, though ironically by one of the most pretentious bands in all rock history. I don't let that, however, nor the fact that this band is technically Christian (in fact, they are Catholic) discourage my appreciation for this particular song. It is that good. It rocks. It kicks ass. And it's the perfect theme for the coming Mabon (or Ostara) Sabbat.
Coming here in just a very few days.