Lindsay Lohan is probably a lesbian-she just doesn’t want you to know it. I don’t know why. Check out this picture of her with "good friend" Samantha Ronson. I have no doubt as to who plays the “man” role. Why do I have this strange idea that she just loves seafood?
Lindsay’s father is backtracking on an earlier assertion that the relationship of the two is obvious. Little Lindsay probably threw a fit. Come on, Lindsay-admit it. I mean, it’s not like we guys would no longer want to hit that one time when we catch you out drunk as a skunk.
Besides, we might even want to watch the two of you rolling around all over each other.
Then again, maybe not, but it doesn’t matter what I want or don't want. I predict that before the year is out, either Lindsay or somebody like her will be arrested for engaging in public sex-and of course we’ll all just eat it up.
And with that last statement, I think I just succeeded in making myself sick.