Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Tarot Reading For Democratic Presidential Candidates

As promised, here is the Tarot reading for the Democratic candidates for President of the United States. For some reason, they do not seem as well delineated as the previous post detailing the cards drawn for the Republican candidates, though they are interesting in their own right.

Hillary Clinton-Eight of Wands (R)
-This seems to indicate that Hillary is well on her way to wrapping up the nomination, at least at first glance, despite the negative connotations that entails, or perhaps even because of them, in a sense.

Barak Obama-Page of Wands (R)
-Barak Obama, here portrayed as a messenger of change and even hope, though the reverse position details his major weakness, a belief by some that he might have moved too early and is out of his depth at this stage of his political career. This perception by many will dog him throughout the primaries, despite how well he might or might not do in the early ones. In the event his candidacy fails in the end, this will be the primary factor of responsibility for that.

John Edwards-Ace of Wands
-Incredibly, this is the only Democratic candidate whose card I drew in the upright position. What does it mean? Well, it is easy to read too much into reverse cards. The “R”, incidentally, beside some cards signifies that when the card was drawn, it was upside down. Most Tarot readers generally view this aspect as a negative connotation. Edwards, however, is upright, the only one of this group that is, so in his case, what is signified by a drawing of the Ace of Wands in the upright position?

Well, Aces are indicative of a sudden surge of energy, in this case (Wands) of an inspirational, possibly spiritual nature. John Edwards typically makes a big deal out of running a “positive” campaign (while using his wife in the background as an attack dog), but while this might seem to fit his overall campaign style and strategy, I do not believe it tells the entire story.

I think this might well be indicative of a potential upset in the Iowa Caucus or the New Hampshire primary-or both. If Edwards comes in a close second in one and wins the other, which is conceivable, it might well change the face of the campaign, setting the stage for a roll through South Carolina, Michigan, and other states where a strong early showing might bode well for his candidacy.

Expect him to play the God card, so to speak, and do not be at all surprised if he becomes more aggressive in the face of Obama’s recent surge in the polls due to this tactic. He is, after all, a lawyer, and what do lawyers want more than anything? That is right-they want to win.

Joe Biden-Nine of Swords (R)
-Joe Biden is arguably, out of all the current crop of Democratic candidates, the one most qualified to hold the office of President. Though I disagree with him profoundly on certain issues-gun control and immigration being at the forefront-he is the one I will probably vote for when the primary season comes rolling into Kentucky. Unfortunately, by the time that happens, he might well be out of the running. Senator Biden is not going to win a single primary of importance, if he wins one at all.

The Nine of Swords in this reverse position can mean many things. Though I favor him of all Democratic candidates, I am not going to delude myself for one minute into thinking that he is fearful for the future of the country if someone besides himself is elected, though I will cede that he can present himself in such an arrogant manner.

What I think it signifies, in his case, is a nagging gut feeling, probably an unreasonable fear, that his presence in the primaries could inadvertently drain votes from one candidate and therefore throw certain primary contests to one that might not otherwise win, and therefore influence the overall nomination process to no benefit to himself or his own interests. If I were correct, I have no doubt who it is he thinks he would draw votes from. He would doubtless draw them away from Hillary Clinton. I also have no doubt, as to who he thinks that might benefit-Obama. This is probably something that would ordinarily be of no great concern to him, but since the early primaries are stacking up to be a statistical dead heat between the three front runners in most polls, and since Biden is generally ranked fourth in those same polls, it is easy to discern how he could easily swing some primary states. He might conceivably feel himself responsible for a divided convention, which might be traceable to the results of the early primary contests, were they to give a candidate a surge he might not ordinarily receive.

There is also the possibility that Joe Biden might feel some growing fear-and this might not be so unreasonable-that an ultimately successful Hillary Clinton might not look too kindly on his opposition, if his candidacy caused hers a great deal of indirect discomfort. A President Clinton, would, after all, have powerful allies in Congress, especially a Democratic Congress, and Joe Biden might well feel her wrath-indirectly, of course-when the next round of committee assignments comes rolling through Capitol Hill.

I expect Biden to drop out relatively early, due to the reasons I stated.

Elliott Richardson-Four of Swords (R)
-Out of all the cards I drew for this series, this is by far the most mysterious. The Four of Swords signifies a necessary time of healing. Yet, from what is Elliott Richardson healing? Out of all the former Clinton appointees, this former Congressman and Secretary of Defense, and current governor of New Mexico, seems to have everything going for him, on paper. He is one of the top three-hell, I’ll come right out and say the only three-actually qualified to be President. He should be on top of the world. In fact, he is. Anytime there is a potential crises brewing anywhere on the globe, Elliot Richardson will always be on the short list of those called to make things right, by Democrats and Republicans alike. President George W. Bush even sent him recently to come to some kind of accommodation with North Korea over that nation’s nuclear program. Is it possible the man is just overworked?

No. I think the injury he must heal from is a self-inflicted one. By doing so lousy in the polls, he might have injured whatever potential he may have had to be the next Vice-Presidential candidate, which otherwise would have been a near certainty. He will nevertheless be on that short list as well, but the outcome is not as probable. If he does not make a strong showing in the early primaries, he might well be toast for this reason. At to this the added reason that Hillary Clinton never forgets a slight, and she could well see Richardson’s candidacy as just that.

Look for Elliott Richardson to be among the first Democratic candidates to next withdraw from the race, on some ridiculous pretext that of necessity will take valuable time by definition. Look for an international emergency or a need for his steady hand at the helm of New Mexico state business, some problem or another that only he can solve, and which by it’s nature would make running an extended campaign impractical.

Chris Dodd-The Ace of Swords (R)
-You might remember I drew the exact same card, also in the reverse position, for Republican candidate Mitt Romney. In this reading, however, the significance, while similar, also takes on a different connotation. Where Romney is finding himself fin the position of fending off negative attacks, in Dodd’s case, he is the one that will find himself in the position of having to engage in such tactics if he hopes to keep his candidacy alive. Dodd is one of the three candidates actually qualified to be President, but if he and the other two were the Beatles (with Dennis Kucinich as Ringo, of course), he would be George Harrison-the invisible kid. Unfortunately, for them and him, they are not the Beatles, they are a group of slimy politicians, and what hampers Dodd the most is the appearance that he might well be the sleaziest of the bunch.

The only possible hope he has of becoming a factor in the race is to go negative, and do it quickly. I think you are going to see him do it, too, and he will make no bones about it. He has nothing to lose, as he sees it (or will) and nothing to gain by staying on his current course. He will attack Hillary’s credentials and agenda, and Edwards’s as well. As for Barak Obama, as regarding his relative inexperience and naivety, look for him to stop just short of calling him an uppity black.

Whether all this will work of course might well be-in fact, probably will be-an entirely different question. I have an idea he will also withdraw from the race after the early primaries, and he will do so with noticeable contempt.

Mike Gravell-Three of Pentacles (R)
-If Gravell had his way about it, US citizens would pass or reject all laws, at least those of any significance, by the process of a national referendum. What a way to run a country. He also evidently thinks borders are a waste of time. Let people come and go as they please. Yeah, who does not want to migrate down to Mexico to work, just as Mexicans do here? Ol’ Mike seems to think we should carry everybody’s water for them, but don’t count on him supplying the hepatitis, cholera free water you would need to migrate there to do that. It is no wonder the guy is nowhere in the polls. The fact that the guy is obviously a fucking nut is almost incidental. Yet, he trudges onward and outward.

This former Alaska Senator and Governor was one of the ones in support of the leak of the Pentagon Papers during the Vietnam era, so you can expect him to eventually narrow his focus on the Nixonesque Clinton scandals of the nineties as his mantra. I doubt it gets him anywhere, but on the other hand, he might end up being the joker in this deck, if he inadvertently uncovers and then reveals some similar information regarding Hillary’s past influence on the Clinton Administration. He might also find new and improved ways to hit attack her influence in the current Iraq War. Gravell is the kind of guy that would probably pay big money for something like this. It probably still yet would not get him anywhere near spitting distance of the Democratic nomination. However, it might well get him a spot on an independent, third party ticket, which might be what he is really gunning for. What he might have to gain from such a thing-for that matter, what he might have to gain from doing what he is doing-only Mike Gravell could possibly know. Some things are beyond the range of Tarot cards, or for that matter, God.

Dennis Kucinich-The King of Swords (R)
-The little Smurf from Cleveland is probably in this race to the finish line. He is on a mission, and he will not surrender. He feels he is in the vanguard of truth, justice, and the American way, a leader of a movement to establish, once and for all, democracy, equality, and fairness, by God. He knows in his heart of hearts that if people would just listen to him, they will see the light and vote for him overwhelmingly, and to this end, he has developed a set of proposals straight from Alice in Wonderland, with a really cool version of The Matrix tossed in for good measure-a kindly, non-violent one, of course. No one would ever want to leave Dennis’s Matrix, you see, because once you stepped into the chamber, and saw the universe as Dennis sees it in his reality, you would never want to return to the world of anger, selfishness, greed, or meat.

Unfortunately, Dennis must punish the transgressors. In order to display his strength, uprightness, and determination that justice will prevail, he has sponsored a bill calling for the impeachment of Vice President Dick Cheney, and has put the Democratic Congress in a bind, and actually accomplished something few have ever considered possible. He has formed a coalition between conservative Republicans and the most liberal of those Democratic members of Congress, both of which are determined the bill should be passed out of committee and put to a vote of the full house.

Dennis is obviously hoping to draw a distinction between him and those other mealy-mouthed Democrats running for President. What he does not realize is, we already get the distinction, all too well. Dennis Kucinich is leading a failed campaign. In true Don Quixote fashion, he is too far gone, unfortunately, to know it is way past time to fall on his sword.


Erron said...

I loved your beetles reference =]

sonia said...

Hilary has the nomination all wrapped up, unless Gore comes in at the last moment - unlikely, but possible.

But she is unlikely to win the general election (Obama and Edwards have little chances as well). The reason: they are all senators.

The last senator to win the presidency was John F. Kennedy, and before him - Warren Harding.

In fact, being a senator is the second WORST of all qualifications for the job (the worst is being a CONGRESSMAN).

Of all 42 presidents, 14 were former Vice-Presidents, 11 were former governors, 6 were cabinet secretaries, 5 were war heroes, and only 4 (FOUR!) were former senators. (The remaining 2 were former congressmen, one of them Lincoln, btw)...

SecondComingOfBast said...

The only way I can conceive of Gore entering the race is if the convention ended up divided between Hillary and Barack, or Hillary and Edwards, they couldn't come to an agreement, and Gore accepted a draft as a compromise candidate. I seriously doubt that is going to happen, however.

Gore likes his life the way it is now. He has a lot more power and influence than he ever would as president, and thinks he is more likely to accomplish his agenda than he would as president, which in that office would draw a lot more opposition than he currently does.

History aside, there is no reason a Senator can not be elected president. If Hillary gets the nomination and loses the general election, it will have nothing to do with her being a senator. It will be because a significant percentage of the American people do not like her, and more importantly, do not trust her.

By the way, I have a great picture of Hillary that I will be publishing here in a day or two.