Monday, June 04, 2007

Chinese Takeout

If you think the Iraq War has been badly handled, just imagine what a war with China would be like. Don't think you are the only one who imagined such a scenario. Possibly the first major event of the Bush Administration early in 2001 involved the forced landing of an American military jet on Chinese soil, amidst an accusation of spying.

After a relatively brief amount of time, about a week or so, during the period of a tense public relations standoff, underscored by feverish diplomatic haggling, the matter was resolved. Still, it was the first humiliating experience handed the fledgling Bush Administration.

Now it turns out, according to this report, that all but forgotten incident may have been the icing on the cake. There may have potentially been a conflict between the State and Defense Departments concerning the official "One China Policy" that has been the standard for Sino-American relations since the latter part of the first term of the Nixon Administration.

A list of the usual suspects amongst the Neo-Cons seems to have favored an abrupt reversal of the policy, even going so far as to encourage the Taiwanese to declare independence from mainland China, while Colin Powell's State Department adamantly insisted they should "let sleeping dogs lie".

The Neo-Cons, according to this controversial and heatedly denied report, promised American support in the event of an invasion.

Scary, scary stuff if true.