One of the most important Senate races this year will be the one in Tennessee between Congressman Harold Ford, Democrat, and Republican Bob Corker, Republican. This in fact could well be the race that decides which side controls the Senate. As such, the RNCC is pulling out all stops to win this one, which is for now too close to call in the polls. They may have went way over the line. Unfortunately, that tactic might well work.
In this website, FancyFord, where the Congressman is pretty much made out to be an uppitty negro living high on the hog off of his campaign contributions, the tactic is all too clear, as is the recent campaign ad featured on YouTube. It can be summed up as follows-
If you elect Harold Ford Jr, to the Senate, he will fuck every good looking white girl in Tennessee. Or he will try to, at least. Of course, they don't come right out and say that, but the subliminal message being relayed here is pretty obvious. Harold Ford is a young, virile and well connected negro from a political family with some past ethical problems, he is unmarried, and he has a thing for-gasp-white women.
He has even in the past been connected to former Georgetown University sex columnist for The Hoya, Laurie Baugher. Apparently, Ford ended the relationship after it appearred in danger of becomming public knowledge and suppossedly didn't even bother to call the poor damsel to inform him of his intentions to end the relationship.
Of course, it could also be because he found out the hard way that Laurie Baugher is a fucking whackjob whose weekly columns for The Hoya were edited in fact by her mother, and who was acussed in September '03 by another Hoya columnist, Cara Tarone, of being more adept at self-promotion than at any kind of actual sexual expertise.
On one occassion, Baugher tried to get out of paying for a seven dollar grapefruit at a Washington restaurant by claiming to be with a party for the Washington Post, a claim which she was caught and called on.
Fords relationship with Baugher goes back to her days as a sophomore at the college, and she was reported to have made the statement that she never understood what Ford had seen in her to begin with. It is tempting to wonder if she has not been brought into this campaign at the urgings of the RNCC on the grounds that it might well jumpstart her writing career, which seems to have ended with her graduation from Georgetwon.
Whatever the case, it might well work. And that's a shame. Harold Ford Jr. is one of the few Democrats in Congress I actually feel good about. Hell, he's one of the few Congress people in Congress I have good feelings about. I think he has the potential to be a future President, possibly the first black President of the United States, as I think Barak O'Bama is a flash-in-the-pan. All image, little if any substance, as of now.
Ford I can see making it, maybe not for a few years, maybe not until about 2016, after a ten year career in the Senate. Or, if he looses this race, after a full two terms as governor of Tennessee.
He may have made one slight mistake in crashing a recent Corker press conference in response to the Republican ads. Then again, maybe not. It may be seen as indication of a fiery temperament, one who will fight back when wronged. Or, it may be seen as juveile, out of control petulance. And, it might be seen as another example of an "uppitty black" who doesn't "know his place".
Personally, I almost wish he would fuck Corkers wife, or his daughter if he has one. Yeah, let 'em put that on their shitty little web-sites, and YouTube.
Personal aside to Laurie Baugher, presumably the front and center nut job pictured above-if Ford looses this race, your main footnote to fame may well not be your writing ability, so much as your impact on Tennessean voters perceptions of you as a "nigger lover".
Ugh. Who should be really insulted by that Fancy Ford page are the people of your state. The whole thing is written in this totally dumbed-down way:
"see how Fancy Ford stays fancy."
It's written like they think everyone in Tennessee is either four years old or mildly retarded! I think I'd vote for Ford just for that reason.
Well, I'm from Kentucky, otherwise I agree with eveything you said. Notice how that sight was put out by the Republican National Campaign Committee (RNCC). I guess they thought it was an attempt at humor. I guess those guys must be getting really desperate or something. Shameless attempt at race baiting, another reason the Tennessee voters should be pissed off enough to vote for Ford. That and, though I don't necessarilly agree with him on everything, he is a good candidate. I've always been a fan of Harold Ford Jr.
Does overt racism win elections in TN? Will that all backfire on the GOP?
That site is something else, alright... wow. However, maybe Fancy Ford does need a a few more years of maturing before he can be really successful in politics. Even if you don't think his sex life has anything to do with him doing his job, there are a lot of people who think it does. "Morals" are a big deal to a lot of voters. If they weren't, this kind of thing wouldn't work.
Renegade-Unfortunately, this race in Tennessee is just close enough, too close in fact to call, that the tactic just might work. In races that are this close, if it ifluences just one per cent of the voters, that would do it. On the other hand, I tend to believe that a racist probably wouldn't vote for Ford to begin with.
Meowkaat-Ford has been in Congress for at least ten years now, or close to it. So his experience is not an issue.
Also, as far as his morals go, he is a single man who has never been married. He was roughly ten years older than Baugher when they had their aleged relatiosnhip, but she was legally an adult. That's asumming there really ws a relaionship to begin with.
If it was, the only campaign fodder it makes for the oppossition is just in pointing out that this was a black man with a-gasp-white woman.
I said really successful, as in presidency, and I was just pointing out what the picture paited by the Fancy Ford website does to his moral credibility...not making a judgment on him myself. I think the site sucks. It sucks dirty. The reality of politics today- even if it sucks- is that he needs to get a good little wifey and settle down before he can even think about becoming the first black president.
I hear he digs blondes, Meowkatt, so who knows? Seriously, though, we've had Presidents that engaged in affairs, one who was divorced and remarried, and another who was a lifelong bachelor and lived with his neice. I don't think a black man with an alleged thing for younger white women isn't going to make that much of a difference except in a close election. Besides, remember, I'm talking like around 2016, not the next Presiential race. A lot depends on how things are by then.
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