Wednesday, October 04, 2006

News Flash- "I'm Gay", Says Foley

When Foley recently released through his lawyer a statement to the effect that, "he wants you all to know he is gay", I said to myself, well what do you know, the son-of-a-bitch is trying to deal one last, desperate blow (no pun intended) at the Democrats.

Consider that Republicans are desperate to not let Foley's Follies contribute to a Conservative Christian revolt at the polls, and this self-serving message becomes all too obvious. After all, to Christian Conservatives, who ordinarily tend to vote overwhelmingly Republican, this could well be a coded reference to the fact that these people look at gays as:

1. Potential child molesters all
2. Overwhelmingly Democratic in voter sentiment
3. Especially if they are flagrantly open and activist.

In other words, what Foley's coded message seems to be is, if you hate me and find me despicable, fine, but remember, it is the Democratic Party who openly supports the agenda of people like me.

Sure enough, later on today I received in my e-mail a link to this editorial from Ann Coulter which contains her take on the matter, comparing the Foley scandal to one that transpired two decades ago, involving a Democratic Congressman by the name of Gerry Studs. I have to admit that, if true, she does make a valid point as to the difference of the Democratic Party reactions then, as compared to now. You can read the article here.

Or, just for the hell of it, you might prefer the missive of our good Reverend Hayes of Conservatives For Family Values, who makes it all too plain that Congressman Foley himself might himself have been the victim of young sex obsessed pages , in
Dont Take A Page From Foleys Book.

First it was alcohol that received the blame, and now it's homosexuality, due to Foley's alleged molestation by a priest. Surely there's more, though. Oh, if only they hadn't taken God out of the classrooms.


  1. Goodness. That pissed me off. Once he got called on his stupid behavior, he comes out and says he's gay. As if gay = child predator. Ugh. When will people realize that this is NOT the case?

  2. It's a Christian Conservative thang. He was asked to do that privately by members of his party. In my opinion.
