Thursday, March 02, 2006


Well, this is my first real post using Performancing, so what else to talk about but the Firefox browser. If you don't have it, download it, it's free. No, I don't work for them, and no, this isn't turning into a commercial blog. And actually, Firefox is only the secondary focus of this Blog post, but it's an important one,for reasons I will get to later.

First, I want to heartily recommend a site I've discovered called Stumbleupon. It's a really great site, and if I used my Performancing fuction correctly, there should be a link to the site somewhere on this post.

So,what is Stumbleupon? Well, it's hard to explain, but think of it as a web-community, a kind of club, where people share their web-sites. You can rate web-sites, and review them. If you see a web-site you like, you can click on the "I Like" icon. In the event this is a new web-site to Stumbleupon, and you're the first person that has suggested it, you will receive a prompt asking you to write a review. After you have done so, then the site will appear on your own homepage on the site, and you can easily develop a ist of sites.

If the site you are reviewing has been suggested before, then of course this won't happen, but it will still be included in your Homepage in a list of sites you like.

Another feature is the stumbleupon button. You can select acording to category, or just choose all, and upon clicking this icon, you will be presented with a site that has been submitted. Again, you can click on the "I Like" icon, and include it in your ist of favorites.

And speaking of categories, there is every one you can imagine, including porn.

And there are also groups you can join, of all kinds. I haven't spent a lot of time on these, because truthfully I just don't have that much time to spend on things like that, but the option is there.

Now, back to Firefox. This is the browser, and the site, by which I downloaded Stumbleupon as a Firefox extension. Is it necessary to have the Firefox extension in order to download Stumbleupon? I don't know, to tell you the truth. I suspect that it is, though. But even if it is not, I recommend you download the browser, and for that matter make it your default browser.

For one thing, it is a secure site, at least compared to IE, and to most others as well, I suspect. And when browsing a variety of web-sites, such as the kind you will find at Stumbleupon, security concerns are nothing to sneeze at. Porn sites in particularly are notorious for spyware. So caution is advised.

Besides, there is just too much good shit to download from Firefox to pass it up. Stumbleupon is just the tip of the iceberg. But it's a good place to start.