Now Vice-President Cheney has been called to assess the Gulf Coast area, well, I'm feling better all ready. And I'm not being sarcastc. This motherfucker don't give a shit about anybody but his fat cat partners and maybe on a good day his family, and that is exactly what is needed to get control of this situation. So think about it, yeah, he'll make sure Haliburton cleans up on this contract while their cleaning up the area, and frankly, I don't give a shit, as long as they do the job and do it right, and I'm sure they can. I admit, I'm a little worried over the prospect that this might set the kind of precedent where future disasters will be allowed to occur so they can take advantage of it again, but right now, first things first. I watched Elaine Chiao the other night on something, I think it was Hardball, and she said that they were going to make sure that those who wanted to and were able could contribute to the clean-up of their areas. Now that's a good idea, as is the 2000 dollars that FEMA is giving each family in the form of a debit card for ready cash for whatever they need. Of course, all this came way too late, but at least it's something. First things first.
But the thing that really worries me more than anything, as far as future consequences go, is the environmental impact of this motherfucking mess. All that raw sewage and garbage and medical waste and oil and gas and industrial waste and chemicals and human corpses, maybe 10,000 of them, and animal corpses, and the disease and bacteria and insects and snakes and rats and alligators. Yeah, let's just pump it out of the city into good old Lake Ponchartrain, hell, it won't be there for long, it will eventually just flow into the Gulf of Mexico, so what, first things first.
See why I feel good about Cheney being there? If anybody knows pollution, it's Dick Cheney.