Monday, February 01, 2010

Ten Americans were arrested for trying to take Haitian children across the border to the Dominican Republic.

I don't know what the fuck is going on here, but if these people are literally selling Haitian babies for ten thousand dollars, that's pretty fucked up, if I do say so myself. A clue here might be that many of these kids, allegedly, still have living parents and relatives. They might still honestly think they are helping the kids, but that's not their call to make. It flies in the face of human decency to not monitor closely a situation like this, where children stand to possibly be taken advantage of by human traffickers who will use these kids as slaves, either for menial labor or sexual purposes.

The fact that these are Christians, from a Baptist Church in Idaho, is no guarantee against potential abuse. When they were apprehended at the border to the Dominican Republic with more than thirty children, it was only natural under the circumstances this would raise eyebrows.

On the other hand, there is another issue that needs to be raised, and that is the propensity of Haitian officials for corruption and bribery. There have been widespread reports of needed emergency goods being held up until "fees" are paid. If they will extort money for goods meant for emergency purposes, even needed food, clothing and medicines, then it stands to reason they will do the same when it comes to somebody wanting to adopt children. In some cases, the idea that human trafficking might be involved would probably only serve to raise the going rate.

I don't trust anybody when it comes to stories like this.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous7:29 PM

    I really, really, really really want more info on this. It scares me to death. As someone who's looked into international adoption more than once, I have smelled a rat even when it came to the most reputable agencies. The huge secretiveness about the details of the children's birth and whereabouts of their birth parents raises red flags. I have wondered if a lot of the children are "really orphans".

    I really don't get the claims by this group that they are in jail for preaching the gospel. No they aren't. They are in jail for kidnapping.
    Their "Phillipians 1" claim is so off topic with the real situation that maybe it wouldn't surprise me if they were too dumb to get proper paperwork. No wonder the news castors were warning people left and right not to just show up in Haiti to help. They didn't want random idiots on the streets there. Now we know why.
