Thursday, February 11, 2010

Nice Place For A Tea Party? Welcome To The Jack Murtha Airport

Thanks for the use of pictures from the Wordpress blog of Josh Blackman goes to Josh Blackman, a legal blogger who currently blogs at Josh Blackman, and who has kindly given me permission to use his work.

The next Tea Party Convention should strive to accommodate more of the regular folks who are the life blood of the movement, as opposed to the recent affair in Tennessee which charged admission, and which was attended by a relative handful of Tea party leading personalities of the day, such as Sarah Palin and Andrew Breitbart. This is something the media has gleefully latched onto as evidence that there might well be a divide building up between the rank-and-file and an apparent cadre of elites.

Of course, every movement will produce its leaders, which will inevitably rise to the top as spokespersons for any mass of people. That is to be expected, though of course it is also to be monitored.

There should nevertheless be occasion for a wider convergence of the movement faithful, and naturally there should be a facility to accommodate them. It need not be all in one place. It can easily be a synchronized meeting across the country, facilitated through satellite link-ups with media coverage. It is probably unrealistic to expect the entire country of Tea Party faithful to converge in one spot. However, one place in particular stands out in my mind. But first, a word about the founder.

Jack Murtha is dead, and there are those that will grieve his passing. I will not, like a great many others, though there are many who are, going by their past assessments of the man, whistling past the graveyard as we speak.

I started out doing a hit piece on Murtha, but changed my mind because, like all of us, he wasn't all bad, though he was doubtless one of the most crooked, corrupt politicians to infest the planet. This was widely recognized even by most of his present day defenders.

He won election to his office in the early seventies, when he was supported by conservative Democrat Henry "Scoop" Jackson of Washington. He built a career as a supporter of the armed forces, including the men and women who serve, whose interests he was always a staunch champion of. At the same time, this former Vietnam War hero was among the largest contributors to the Pentagon budget of his and arguably of any day.

However, he had his run-ins with the law, even going back to the eighties and the Federal ABSCAM probe, which ended in him named as an unindicted co-conspirator. He maintained his seat through the support of various conservative causes. For example, he was Pro-Life, which was practically a requirement for election to the office from his Western Pennsylvania district.

At first, he was a staunch supporter of the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, but when things went south, he moderated his position to a remarkable degree, turning against the Iraq War, which he considered to have been ill-planned and executed. He called for an end to the war, and became wildly popular in Democratic circles, even among those factions of the party which previously viewed him with a great deal of suspicion.

In what was possibly his most controversial move, he denounced a group of Marines who had participated in what has been termed a massacre, in a place in Iraq called Haditha, going to the extent of pronouncing their guilt in public media interviews, even on network and cable news programs, before the men were actually even charged with a crime. He inferred in his statements that he had inside sources to this effect. This still would have been improper conduct by a public official, but what made matters worse was the fact that he actually seemed to be relying on published magazine articles as his source.

As it turned out, this was all mainly a political ploy meant to shore up support for a run for the Majority Leadership position in the House of Representatives, for which he seemingly had the support of future and present House Speaker Nancy Pelosi. Unfortunately for Murtha, the majority of support went to Maryland Representative Steny Hoyer.

Murtha seemed to drop out of the spotlight, though he remained in charge of the powerful House Armed Services Committee, and resurfaced briefly during the 2008 presidential primaries, when he proclaimed that a large segment of the voters of his district were racists. This statement was used against him in his own re-election campaign of that year, but Murtha nevertheless prevailed.

He died just a few days ago as a result of complications from gall bladder surgery, when one of his intestines was accidentally cut, which resulted in the onset of Sepsis.

Murtha will be remembered for many things-opposition to the Iraq War, the Haditha Marines, advocacy for the armed forces etc., but his most lasting legacy will certainly be his penchant for bringing the pork home to his district, perhaps the most obvious example of which would be The John Murtha Johnstown Airport.

This large, sprawling complex is served by one airline, which conducts three daily flights from Johnstown to Washington DC. The average occupancy of any given flight is well under fifteen passengers. For the most part, the place, though well maintained and sufficiently staffed, is veritably void of public customers. In fact, it is probably not an exaggeration to state that the majority of public presence at The John Murtha Johnstown Airport would probably be due to attendance at Sassy's-a public restaurant at the airport which is a popular breakfast spot among the locals.

It would be easy to see why this would be a sufficient place for a tea party. It has ample grounds, both outside and inside, and more than adequate facilities, including public restrooms, as well as the aforementioned Sassy's Restaurant.

Not only is the open grounds considerable, as it is basically in the middle of nowhere, but there are ample parking grounds. And of course, it goes without saying it is accessible by air.

It would seem to me that this would be an ideal place for such a large gathering, due not only to the available space, but due to the symbolic value for a movement that exists mainly as a protest against ever-increasing government, taxes, and public debt.

There might be two options. One, the facility might be leased or rented for an event or, failing that, it might be taken in the context of civil disobedience. After all, this airport was built on the backs of the taxpayers, at great expense and for seemingly minimal legitimate purpose at best.

The Control Tower. Note the expansive surroundings.

Outside the terminal

And, inside the terminal.

An uncharacteristically busy day at the Murtha Airport.

It would be poetic justice were The John Murtha Johnstown Airport to become the setting for the largest Tea Party gathering in the country thus far.


  1. Shadowhawk3:52 PM

    I laugh, i thought it was SOO funny, that Palin not only had to use crib notes, but the venue only pulled 600 attendees. The Tea Baggers are a pathetic joke, and will be bad for the Republican party. And they think Palin will run and WIN in 2012. Let the Republicans and Tea Baggers stay deluded, its so funny to watch.

  2. Shadowhawk-

    How many politicians have you ever seen making a speech that did not ever refer to notes? They almost all do that, and it almost always shows. All Palin did was read from a list she had written on her hand so she wouldn't forget something when she ran down the list of things the Tea Party stood for that she hoped they accomplished.

    And what are you laughing about that for anyway, you're a supporter of the "Teleprompter-In-Chief", don't you feel a little foolish criticizing somebody for a list of words on her hand?

    The Tea party Convention by the way was not meant to draw a huge crowd, it was a for pay venue. Instead of swallowing every word the left regurgitates like the vultures they are, you ought to show a little bit of an independent streak and think for yourself, Mr. Druid. Look up what Andrew Breitbart had to say at the convention, for example, you should be able to find it on YouTube.

  3. Shadowhawk5:10 PM

    This coming from a fucking idiot Repub lover.. Come on Patrick.Do you Really believe that the likes of Palin, Beck.Limbaugh,Tancredo, and all the right wingers really give a rats ass about America. They are obstructionists plain and simple. You CLAIM to be a federalist, yet over the last 25 years all the Repubs have done is destroy the constitution. And for the record, i voted for Hillary. Hows the wars going, just great, hows healthcare in America, peachy. I have sit here and read your bullshit for months.But now i get MY TURN to tell you how fucking retarded you are. You watch, theres going to be a civil war, and it will be started by the likes of you.. Pagan Temple my ass, Theres nothing Pagan about you

  4. Maybe you're right, maybe I should be a "real" pagan like you and let "Big Brother" take care of all my needs, and hold my hand. Hell, maybe he'll even jack me off at night.

    Don't you realize how stupid you sound claiming to be a pagan, and in the same breath supporting a political party that desires nothing more nor less than to make everybody in the country dependent on their crooked asses?

  5. Shadowhawk5:35 PM

    Name me 25 things ,POSITIVE things for the American people that the Republican party have done. and ill name you 10 times as much that they have done to hurt us. get off your fucking high horse and come back to reality.I dont want my hands held , but i dont want them tied either. And if you support them then you are just as guilty, for the Iraq war, for Afghanistan, for the Patriot Act, for the deregulation of the financial markets that has caused this recession, shall i go on..For Reagan with Iran Contra, For Nixon with Watergate. FDR brought America the New Deal, Republicans have brought us pain, misery, and brought us the hatred that the world has for us. So now talk some more bullshit like you always do

  6. Don't even get me started on that retarded fucking Patriot Act, that was voted for by almost EVERY SINGLE FUCKING MEMBER OF THE DEMOCRATIC CAUCUS IN BOTH HOUSES OF CONGRESS, NONE OF WHOM EVEN READ THE FUCKING BILL!

    Why? For the same reason they voted for the Afghan War. For the same reason they voted for the Iraq War. Because they were a bunch of puke cowards with their fingers in the air, who decided to go along, and then went out of their fucking ways to make sure things went to fucking hell by using every trick in the book to stand in the way of our success in those wars, then they bitched and cried about the very same Patriot Act they supported.

    In a perfect, ideal word, any time you read the word traitor in print, it should by law be required to be accompanied by a photograph of a motherfucking Democrat.

    And what do you come up with? FDR and the New fucking Deal, for crying out loud. Live in the past much, that was SEVENTY-SEVEN FUCKING YEARS AGO!!!

    Watergate was a fiasco that was blown out of all proportion to reality, nothing but a cheap attempt to gather intelligence on political opponents, which would have been useless if there was none to find.

    Who gives a shit about Iran Contra other than somebody concerned about the welfare of a bunch of South American communist thugs? Of course, you being a Democrat would worry yourself sick about them, but why should a real American?

    There's plenty of blame to go around with both parties for the current mess with the financial and housing markets, and as for medical care, at least two thirds of the problems there can be traced directly back to Democrats regulatory interference, and to Republicans not having the gumption to do anything about it, what ones of them didn't actively collude in the matter.

    Oh, but never mind all that, give me my fucking welfare check, and stop the wars so the Europeans might finally stop looking down their noses at us while we're propping their sorry asses up. And please Mr. Democrat let's make nice with the Arabs I'm afraid if we don't they might blow me up, Boo Hoo Hoo. And let's put an end to oil exploration and concentrate on alternative energy so I can pay fifty or sixty dollars a month more on my energy bill for the next several years. But let's not develop nuclear energy, it might be too cheap to tax for welfare benefits or for some other worthless entitlement we should be taxed to the gills for.

    Yes sir, give me some more of that Democratic Party patriotism, otherwise known as an oxymoron. Emphasis on fucking MORON!!!

  7. Shadowhawk6:57 PM

    If you were here right now id shoot you in your fucking head. Im going to be your little right wing blogs worst nightmare mother fucker

  8. Shadowhawk7:04 PM

    Lets get this shit started. first up on the block is this little nugget about your beloved right wingers

    Randal David Ankeney is the Republican activist who was arrested on suspicion of sexual assault on a child with force. He was charged with six counts related to getting a 13-year-old girl stoned on pot and then having sex with her. Ankeny has also been accused of sexually assaulting another girl. Source: Denver ABC Article

  9. Shadowhawk7:06 PM

    Next up in the Republican sleaze fest

    Parker J. Bena was a Republican activist and a key player in the campaign to elect George W. Bush as President. Bena was charged and later pleaded guilty to possession of child pornography and lying to the FBI. Bena reportedly told the feds that he had received an unsolicited e-mail containing pictures of children (some as young as three years old) performing various sexual acts, but agents learned that he had in fact voluntarily entered a number of child pornography websites and downloaded the images himself. This is said to have involved acts with children as young as 3 years old, on his home computer. Parker J. Bena was sentenced to 30 months in federal prison and fined $18,000. Source:

  10. Shadowhawk7:08 PM

    Jim Bunn Congressman of Oregon: Many attribute the success Jim Bunn experienced in great part to support from the Christian Coalition. Congressman Jim Bunn won his congressional seat, and then sources say that he immediately ditched his wife, the mother of his five children, and married a staffer. Jim Bunn is said to have put his new wife on the state payroll for the unheard-of salary of $97,500, thereby becoming one of the biggest waste and spend conservatives from the state of Oregon. Source: Conservative Babylon

  11. Shadowhawk7:09 PM

    Helen Chenoweth, Congresswoman (R-Id.). In 1995, Chenoweth had denied having an affair when asked about it by The Spokane Spokesman-Review. In 1998 she called (in a campaign ad) for Bill Clinton's resignation saying, "I believe that personal conduct and integrity do matter". Days later she admitted to a six-year adulterous affair with a married associate, but now she claims a pardon from a higher authority: "I've asked for God's forgiveness, and I've received it," she revealed

  12. Shadowhawk7:11 PM

    Philip Giordano, the former Republican mayor of Waterbury, Connecticut was sentenced by a state court to serve 37 years for forcing two little girls to perform acts of oral sex on him in his Waterbury City Hall office. While investigating municipal corruption, the FBI discovered phone records and pictures of Giordano with a prostitute named Guitana Jones, as well as with her 10-year-old niece and her 8-year-old daughter. 37-years is a very long prison sentence, many said at the time that it still wasn't enough. Source: NBC Article/Newsday Article

  13. Shadowhawk7:12 PM

    These are the people you defend.. WRETCHED fucking loser Republicans, which only serves to prove that you are a fucking loser as well.

  14. I don't care. All I care about is what principles the Republican Party endorses and promotes. That in itself trumps any list you care to draw up, plus if I wanted I could draw up my own list of Democratic scumbags, like Barney Frank for example and the male prostitution ring he ran out of his basement. Come to think of it, I think one of his faggot little butt buddies just expressed the desire to shoot me in the head.

  15. Shadowhawk8:01 PM

    Your pathetic, your weak.. You have been OWNED.. you defend pedophiles, you defend evil men and women who wish to destroy America, and Damn Straight i would shoot your ass in a fucking new york minute

  16. Shadowhawk

    Get a grip.

    Obama's tin ear and the bad economy has breathed life into the GOP. He needs to get out of the Social Science faculty lounge and into Walmart parking lots.

    Are you claiming Democrats are not corrupt? One could write chapters on Charlie Rangel, Barney Frank and Ted Kennedy.


    I fell over laughing when you reminded the Dr. of the European roots of the Pagan deities you worship. He is a dullard and beyond
    idiocy. Sorry, but a white power clod should not tell anyone about morality.

  17. Beak-

    Did you see where me and you both have been asked to no longer post at Bad Eagle? I take that as a compliment. He has no answers for us. What else can he do to save face? Not that it matters. The majority of his readers, going by the tone of the posts in the comment section, are pretty confused and seem to swallow his line of shit hook, line, and sinker.

    Frankly, I think Yaeger is an alcoholic. It shows in some of his posts. I am well familiar with the mindset. Some of his statements are from so far out of left field, he has to be posting them in a drunken haze.

    He and Shadowhawk would be good matches. On the one hand, I've had one fascist calling me a liberal, then I come over to my own blog where a second fascist is expressing a desire to blow my brains out.

    Of course, the difference is, that moron would probably say Rudy Giuliani is a conservative.

    I had fun yanking Yaegley's chains as JacknJill. I tried to have a serious discussion with him and Thrasymachus after that wore thin, but they are so wrapped up in their own little private world views its really like beating your head against a brick wall. Yeagley is pretty thick.

    Give him a bottle of cheap bourbon and a Prussian Blue record and he'll drift off to dreamland, where all the darkies of the world are picking cotton and tipping their hats to him, and all the white folks look up to him as a special being endowed with a superior wisdom, and all the Commanches have been sufficiently civilized and educated, and of course saved due to his scholarly, fatherly patronage It's really pathetic.

  18. Shadowhawk12:36 AM

    Definition of Fascism

    Fascism comprises a radical and authoritarian nationalist political ideology and a corporatist economic ideology. ...

    Get your terms straight. this is YOU , and your beloved Republican party

  19. Shadowhawk

    Classic Fascism flows from Socialism.
    You need to brush up on the life of Il Duce. Il Duce was a socialist and
    you are nothing more than an ignoramus.


    The Dr is a loser. I sent him a private mail before that and told him point blank never contact me again.

    The truth is in order to save face
    he needed a fake Jewess to appear
    out of thin air. Like Yeagley her
    knowledge is books only. This creation is so poorly written that
    it is side splitting funny.

    I do not know what version of the Constitution he has read perhaps it was the MAD magazine version. Asking a person to leave after they wrote they have decided to leave was an attempt to save face.

    He also was not prepared for me to tell him drop dead in a private email. He talks up Kidst but she has been gone a long time. More Bad Eagle Posters are at my site than at his.

  20. Beak-

    I'm afraid the Doctor might be a fraud in more ways than one. If you Google Bad Eagle, on the first page you will find a site that claims Bad Eagle never really existed, that he is a generic archetype. I find that a little hard to swallow, frankly, but I wouldn't be surprised. Apparently, if he did exist, there is some legitimate question as to whether he was really a full-blooded Comanche.

    Of course, that is neither here nor there. I am afraid the Doctor's alcoholic haze has led him into realms from which he will find it difficult if not impossible to extricate himself even if he wanted to do so.

    It's a shame too. He could have been a voice of advocacy for legitimate American conservative values amongst the Comanche, and American Indians in general, but instead, he has gone so far out into left field he has boxed himself in to a position where he can never be taken seriously by any mainstream person.
