Tuesday, February 02, 2010

As if people don't have enough stupidity to contend with, there is currently a debate on-going about the benefits of circumcision. It turn out there are health benefits. It reduces the risk of penile cancer and urinary tract infections, in addition to reducing the chances of contracting some STD, such as HIV. Don't circumcise and you increase the risk of all of these diseases and other infections of the penis, and what do you have to show for it? An ugly piece of useless loose skin covering the head of your dick serving absolutely no function whatsoever.

Most people that do get their children circumsised do so for health reasons, not religious ones, but I tend to think the motivations for discouraging circumsision are wholly anti-religious, and most notably anti-Jewish bias.

Ancient Hebrews probably discovered the health benefits millenia ago, and it became a tradition, then a law. I don't know how they made this discovery. I have some ideas, but they are irrelevant to this post, so I won't go there. The main point is, the foreskin is a useless anachronistic piece of skin whose sole purpose is probably to protect the penis in the womb from bacteria in the amniotic fluid of the mother. Once you're out of there, its served its purpose. Cut that ugly motherfucker off, if you still have one, and if your sons still have one, shame on you.

Genital mutilation? Bullshit, nothing says genital mutilation quite like getting penile cancer and having your whole fucking dick cut off.

Oh, by the way, circumcision also reduces the risk of transmission of the Papaloma virus to female sex partners, which should be enough to tell you that not only is the foreskin useless, it's fucking nasty.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous7:23 PM

    The same people who bitch about circumcision are the same ones who are breastfeeding nazis and who insist women give birth at home. I was so glad when I found out I was having a girl, because it was one less of their "debates" I had to deal with.
