Tuesday, January 12, 2010

A Shocker Out Of Massachusetts, Maybe

Is it actually possible that the US Senate seat left vacant by the death of Senator Edward Kennedy (D-Chappaquiddick) could be filled by such a little known State Senator as Scott Brown-a fiscally conservative Republican?

Not only does the Boston Herald think so-it hopes so. The Herald has endorsed Scott Brown for Massachusetts Senator over Democrat Martha Coakley.

In fact, since Brown basically creamed Coakley in the last televised debate, Brown has picked up 1.3 million dollars in donations, despite a flurry of ads by Coakley where she accuses Brown of being-well, of being a Republican in all the worse ways-a charge to which Brown replies, well, er, yeah, guilty as charged on that Republican thing, but in all the best ways, actually.

Brown will not please everyone, to be sure. He is a social moderate who has proclaimed Roe v Wade settled law and has supported state funded embryonic stem cell research, on the grounds of jobs creation in Massachusetts in addition to the advancement of medical research into cures for various diseases.

My advice to social conservatives-learn to live with it.

Let's just hope he gets in there in time to keep the Harry Reid branch of the KKK from doing any more damage than it's already done. If they want to eat their own young as a consolation prize, who am I to object to that?


  1. Anonymous3:51 PM

    No cavalry's coming over the hill to kill Obamacare, of that I'm certain. This is a dragon that's going to take a lot of hard work by the Tea Party over many years to kill.

  2. I hate to break it to you FJ, but if this thing passes, there will be no killing it ever, unless it ends up so bad it totally wrecks the country-at which time it will be a moot point.

    You might tinker with it, improve it, moderate it, reform it-but you'll never get rid of it.

  3. You don't get rid of such a program, once in. The right learned that from opposition to Medicare and SS.

    The Dems are not motivated to come out in MA.
