Monday, December 21, 2009

Yule Song Video-Help

Probably the most spirited, fun-loving, joyful cry for "Help" ever recorded, this song is the perfect opening song for this year's Yule Sabbat. This is equally true of the video, as will become apparent towards the end.


  1. Anonymous8:17 PM

    Speaking of a need for some help...

  2. I don't know about Britain because I'm not sure of the time difference, but here it was on the 21st at 12:47 pm. The solstice is the exact moment the sun enters Capricorn. I think they were there on the right day, they just started too early in the day. If they had waited until the right time, it might have been night time, so I guess the article had a point.

    By and large, I don't put too much stock in folks who give themselves craft names like "Arthur Pendragon" and turn pagan holidays into opportunities to lead calls for world peace.

  3. Anonymous8:42 AM

    Merry Christmas, pt!

  4. Thanks, FJ, Merry Christmas to you and to all, and a Happy New Year too.

  5. In Minneapolis the Unitarians have a big Solstice service led by a Pagan.

    Holiday Greetings
