Saturday, November 21, 2009

The Story of Pan

At the risk of making it seem like the name of this blog should be The Temple Of Pan, here is a YouTube video recently sent to me by Farmer John, or FJ, who has the excellent blog FJ's Blog (Farmer's Letters on my blogroll), where he keeps track of events in Venezuela and other places south of the border.

This is a Greek video which tells a version of the story of Pan to the accompaniment of a charming piece of music I can imagine would have fit right in during the hey day of Pan's cult.


  1. Anonymous2:46 PM

    Woo-hoo! A plug. ;-)

    I think I need to go sacrifice a goat (tragos) before my next Dionysia. Either that or buy a new petasos.

    btw - Know where I can find some pharmakoi for the first day of Thargelia? Let's just say, it's "traditional."

  2. Anonymous2:52 PM

    It may not be justice, sometimes, it just is.
