Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Backdoor Conversions

Father Peter was growing sick and tired of the controversy. All he wanted was acceptance for he and his live-in male partner, his beloved Dick. He thought that since the Episcopal Church had decided to allow the ordination of homosexual priests, they could be happy, and gain the respect, recognition, and acceptance the two so greatly deserved.

But it turned out to be no bed of roses. While it was true that many of his own parishioners within his little church, and in the general Episcopal Community at large, welcomed him and his partner, there were a great many who openly reviled and rejected him.

Now, there was a danger of a threatened split in the Church. Peter and Dick prayed over the matter endlessly, and agonized constantly, wondering how it would all turn out. Then, one day, he heard the news which he was certain would be the answer to his prayers. He delightedly informed Dick, and the two decided to celebrate. After a lavish candlelight dinner, they decided to share the good news with the rest of the church, and so the following Sunday, as the parishioners seated themselves for the service, Father Peter announced that he had good news.

"I just recently learned that we may soon be invited to join the Roman Catholic Church and have Holy Communion with the Roman Catholic Church, a community where homosexuals have been accepted for ages as Priests, though not openly encouraged or acknowledged as gay. Well, it seems that the good Pope has decided to recognize reality and join the twenty-first century. Me and Dick are so excited it's all we can do to keep from constantly jumping up and down with excitement. I invite you all now to join me in a prayer of hope and thanksgiving that this blessed news may soon become reality".

As Father Peter bowed his head, one of the parishioners in the front row turned to the other.

"Do you want to tell him or should I?"


  1. Anonymous5:52 AM

    I don't get it.

  2. It is the traditional conservative Episcopals who have been invited to join the Roman Catholic Church, as explained in the link. Father Peter in my little story just assumed that because there are allegedly so many gay Catholic Priests, that it was his branch that was invited. Father Peter and his beloved Dick have been drinking too much Jesus Juice.
