Monday, September 28, 2009

Why I Believe MacKenzie Phillips

MacKenzie Phillip's public confessions of a ten year affair with her father, John Phillips of the sixties rock vocal group The Mamas And The Papas, while it makes for a compelling story, is nowhere near as interesting as the public reaction to it. Naturally, a good many people seem to insist that it is nothing but a way to promote her auto-biography High On Arrival at the expense of her father, now dead and unable to defend himself. A good many others say she is a deluded addict, and even if the story is partially true, she should just shut up about it.

Interestingly, I have an idea that many people among the latter category would be the first people clamoring to sue anybody that might be remotely viewed as a potential collaborator or enabler of Phillips abuse, were he not a founding member of a much-loved, celebrated, seminal musical group and a pop culture icon from the sixties.

Michelle Phillips, for her part, along with John Phillips third wife, insist that John Phillips, while a drug addict and a bad father, would never stoop so low, and so they lead the chorus of those who insist that MacKenzie Phillips is either lying or deeply disturbed.

Of course, there is a lot on the line here, as many people might be led to wonder just what and how much Michelle knew about certain events during her marriage to John. She also plainly wants to protect her image, and the image of her old group.

Yet, the facts of the lives of the people involved don't just suggest, they scream that this was a highly dysfunctional group of people. During the groups heyday, John Phillips was a notorious drug addict, oftentimes stoned to the gills while making public appearances. In the meantime, Michelle herself engaged in an adulterous relationship with the groups lead singer, Dennis Doherty, which got her briefly fired from the band. Interesting, Doherty was not fired. Michelle was brought back later into the group, which even recorded a song on the groups fourth album chronicling the affair, while Doherty himself continued in a hopeless infatuation for Michelle.

Before long, the group disbanded for good, after releasing a final fifth album for their recording company, Dunhill, which Michelle later stated "sounded like what it was-an attempt by four people to avoid a lawsuit."

So what does this all have to do with an alleged incestuous affair that supposedly happened some six years or so after the group disbanded? Well, nothing, except for the one continuous thread which rears it's ugly head throughout every second of the groups history-John Phillips addiction to hard drugs, which seems to have been the catalyst for every one of the events listed above.

Frankly, knowing everything I have learned about the man, I would be surprised if it did not happen, but even that is almost beside the point.

One of the main criticisms of MacKenzie is that she waited until years after Phillips death to come out with the story, therefore this is nothing but a sordid way to make money promoting her book.

Which, I guess that would be a point, but how does that explain her accusations of Mick Jagger seducing her at a party when she was fourteen (according to some stories, according to other accounts I've since read, she was eighteen) and claiming he had been waiting for the opportunity since she was ten years old?

Apparently, John had taken MacKenzie to a party at an apartment complex, where Mick invited them up to his apartment, claiming he wanted a tuna sandwich. He then noted how he was out of mayonnaise, and requested John go back downstairs and retrieve some, which Phillips obligingly did, thus leaving Jagger and MacKenzie alone for a "few minutes". When John returned, the door was locked.

Or so goes the story, a story which, thus far, has been met with a deafening silence from "Sir Mick Jagger", with not so much as a public statement released through his publicity firm.

The fact that she states that the relationship with her father became consensual, and went on for ten years (until she became pregnant and feared the child might have belonged to her father) seems to have put off more people than the story of the night of the rape, which occurred on her wedding night when, at the age of nineteen, she claims to have awoke from a drug induced blackout to discover her father having sex with her.

Almost lost in all of this mess is the outrage over her assertion that John Phillips began shooting her up with cocaine when she was ten years old. As far as I'm concerned, that incident, if true, was the pivotal moment of MacKenzie Phillips life, the moment when she was taken into a dark place from which, for most, there would be no hope of return. Everything else that followed, as bad, as disgusting, as heinous, as it all was and is-was nothing but a macabre window dressing into a view of a shattered, nightmarish life of living hell.

Sure, she's trying to sell a book. Does that mean she's lying, or greatly exaggerating? Only to those who think there can only be one reason for anything a person does.

Michelle Phillips should take heart. By the time this is all over with, despite all the howls of disgust from the public, I have an idea the Mommas And The Poppas will displace Michael Jackson at the top of the charts.

Like Jim Morrison once said-people are strange.


  1. The weird thing about this story is that I could swear I'd heard about this a long time ago. I thought Vanity Fair had an article about John Phillips that basically said that he'd had sex with his daughter. Maybe I'm wrong, but for some reason, it wasn't a surprise to me.

  2. This was the first time I'd ever heard about it, but then again I was only vaguely aware that she was John Phillips daughter to begin with. But no, it definitely doesn't surprise me. In fact, I would almost be willing to bet good money that the incident with Mick Jagger was prearranged between Jagger and Phillips. The whole thing smells like a set-up.

    What really amazes me though, is that if you read the comments on all the different sites, she is catching a lot more hell over this than her father is. I can understand people's disgust over her maintaining it was consensual, but I think mainly people just resent her even coming out with this at all.
